ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev congratulated our people on the occasion of Solidarity Day and New Year


Chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, MP of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of December 31 – Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year holiday.

The greeting reads:

“On the occasion of December 31 – Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and New Year’s holiday, we sincerely congratulate our victorious people, compatriots living far from the homeland, including all members of trade unions, and we wish our compatriots happiness, peace, high prosperity and prosperous life in the coming year.

The year 2023, which we saw off, has moved to the memory of our people with achievements and victories. Our economy has developed steadily, important steps have been taken to further improve the social situation of the population, new jobs have been created, and reforms covering all areas have been successfully continued. And the brightest and most proud page of 2023 in the history of Azerbaijan, of course, was the complete guarantee of the sovereignty of our state throughout the territory of our country. In September, separatism was put to an end as a result of anti-terrorist measures conducted by the Azerbaijani army in Karabakh under the leadership of Supreme Commander-In-Chief Ilham Aliyev. Our Tricolor, Moon-Star flag, which is our national pride, began to flaunt majestically in Khankandi, Khojaly, Agdara, Khojavand. This victory was recorded in memory as a historical event equal to Victory Day and complementing it due to its political and moral significance.

Construction and construction work on our liberated lands and the implementation of the “I state program on the Great Return to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”were successfully continued. In parallel with this, the migration of residents to their homeland – east Zangezur and Karabakh was carried out.

In a word, this year we saw only Azerbaijan, which is progressing, strengthening, expanding regional opportunities and steadily increasing international authority.

In the next year, 2024, our country faces Great Goals and peaks to be conquered. We are confident that we will achieve all the goals of our state thanks to the unshakable unity of our wise people, the high leadership qualities, professional management and high political intelligence of President Ilham Aliyev.

We once again congratulate our people on the occasion of the day of solidarity and the new year and wish them eternal peace and great success.