VIII Assembly of Trade Union of Metropolitan workers held


On December 15, the VIII Assembly of the Trade Union of Metropolitan workers was held.

First, the National Anthem was played.

The chairman of the ATUM Arif Mardanov said that the agenda includes “on the work done in the field of compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety in Baku Metro CJSC in 2023”,” on the election of Representatives from the Trade Union of Metropolitan employees to the extraordinary VI Congress of ATUC “and organizational issues.

After the speeches and reports, the work carried out at “Baku Metro” CJSC in the field of compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety in 2023 was considered satisfactory. It was recommended that the work to be carried out in the field of compliance with the rules of Occupational Safety and health should always be kept in the spotlight both when concluding collective agreements and in everyday life and necessary measures should be taken.

Representatives from the Trade Union of Metropolitan workers were elected to the VI Congress of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC). Also, discussions were held on organizational and current issues, opinions and proposals were heard, relevant decisions were made.