The Plenum of the Trade Union of Electroenergetics and Electrotechnical Industry Workers was held


On December 8, the 11th Plenum of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of the Electroenergetic and Electrotechnical Industry of Azerbaijan was held.

First, the dear memory of our martyrs who died for the Motherland was honored.

The agenda of the plenum included the issues “Organization of rest and treatment of workers in the field trade union, problems and upcoming tasks” and “On conducting the report-election campaign in the field trade union”.

The chairman of the Republican Committee Musa Mirzayev said that the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), the Republican Committee and the first trade unions organizations are constantly paying attention and care to the families of martyrs, veterans, veterans and low-income families. As a continuation of this noble mission, on November 6 this year, on the basis of the decision of the ATUC Executive Committee on Victory Day, food aid was sent to 4,200 low-income families, martyrs and veterans living in the regions of the Republic. We must continue this work and keep the families of martyrs, veterans and participants of the war in the spotlight.

According to him, large-scale work was carried out by “Azerenergy” in accordance with the instruction of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev to supply the liberated territories with electricity in the shortest possible time. All substations are already connected to the common energy system of Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan, including power engineers, support the work done by the head of state in all directions and do their best.

Then the report of Shohrat Mustafayev, head of the Organizational Department of the Republican Committee, was heard on the first issue. Attention has been paid to labor protection issues in enterprises and organizations, relevant recommendations have been given to trade union committees in this field. Martyrs’ families, veterans, veterans and low-income families are always kept in mind by the trade unions and are provided with necessary assistance from time to time.

The field trade union has increased attention to the involvement of its activists in education. Trade union committee chairmen and activists participated in courses organized at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations. It was reported that the rest and treatment of workers in the field trade union was better organized this year than in previous years.

The management of the enterprise and organizations was asked to help the trade union committees in organizational matters, transport and allocation of additional funds for the effective organization of the employees’ rest.

The trade union committees were instructed to take the order and use of vouchers more seriously. During the ordering and distribution of departures, the wishes of the families of martyrs, veterans, veterans should be studied in advance, first of all, they should be assisted.

Then the issue” on conducting a report-election campaign in the trade union ” was discussed and an appropriate decision was made. It was decided to start the reporting-election campaign in April 2024 and finish it in October.

Then the budget of the Trade Union of workers of the Electric Power and electrical engineering industry for 2024 was approved.