The essence and importance of the realities, which are the author of Azerbaijan, are being evaluated at the international level


"Today, Azerbaijan is a country that speaks its word openly and takes a decisive
position for the sake of the state and the people. Because its head, Mr. Ilham
Aliyev, pursues a purposeful policy based on justice and principles of international
law. This policy is useful not only for Azerbaijan, but also for the countries of the
region. The realities that Azerbaijan brought to the region prove this once again.
Armenia's occupation policy turned this geography into a swamp. In this regard,
Azerbaijan appealed to the world and called for a peaceful solution to the conflict.
But Armenia did not come to peace, nor was there any international pressure on it.
Therefore, the Azerbaijani side resolved this conflict by itself within the
framework of international law. What was the desire of Azerbaijan: to eliminate
the occupation, to ensure state sovereignty in the whole country, to restore the
rights of more than 1 million residents who were forcibly expelled from the
territory, etc. The realities formed by Azerbaijan are based on peace, security,
economic development, and tranquility. All this was held at ADA University with
the participation of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev,
"Karabakh: Returning home after 30 years". Achievements and challenges" Forum.
With his profound, logical and clear speech, the head of state brought to the
attention of the participants the events, the progress of the processes, including the
bitter consequences of the occupation, the work done for the revival of Eastern
Zangezur and Karabakh, the difficulties faced in this direction, as well as the

landmine problem, and answered their questions. It was also seen from the content
of the addressed questions that the forum participants understand the essence and
importance of the realities that Azerbaijan has brought to the region."
Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation
(ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.
"The representative of the Jamestown Foundation, Mr. Matthew Bryza, referring to
the territories of Azerbaijan freed from occupation, said that there is no other such
place in the world where a large destroyed area has been rebuilt. He even called it
unprecedented. It is clear that everyone is already aware of the work done. Indeed,
Azerbaijan is conducting unprecedented construction works in those areas. It is
certainly not easy to build new cities, towns, and villages in completely destroyed
areas, and to cope with all these tasks in a mountainous area. However, Azerbaijan
is systematically and rapidly rebuilding the territory. Of course, this shows the
power and economic power of our state. President Ilham Aliyev, who personally
supervised all the works, laid the foundations of 29 settlements. In total, 63 objects
of various purposes were inaugurated. So far, 7 billion dollars have been spent on
restoration works. Next year, the minimum budget planned for these purposes is
2.4 billion dollars," said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.
The chairman of ATUC noted that both the Armenian government and the
opposition should learn from the President's speech: "They should know that their
invasion plans have been destroyed a long time ago, and living with these dreams
is no longer in vain. Because the iron fist is in place. There is a mighty Azerbaijan
that defeated them. Therefore, they should not follow the intrigues of those who
patronize them senselessly, the reality is different. In general, the head of our state,
Mr. Ilham Aliyev, showed the power and importance of our country to the world
by bringing to the attention of the participants the peace efforts, economic
independence and development of Azerbaijan, initiatives and steps that make
important contributions to the comprehensive progress of the region, and future