The Assembly of the Federation of Trade Unions “Khidmat-Ish” was held


On November 29, the Assembly of the Federation of  Trade Unions “Khidmat-Ish” was held.

The assembly was opened by the president of the Federation Ilyas Aliyev. He said that our assembly coincides with a period when the socio-economic development of our country has entered a stage of growth characterized by qualitatively new – deep reforms, dynamic processes are taking place in the socio-political and cultural life of our society, and we are preparing to celebrate both bitter and significant events in the history of our people: 2023 is the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”, the year when Karabakh gained complete freedom and the foundation of the great return was laid. Like all institutions of our republic, the Confederation of Trade Unions was an active participant in these great events that I have listed. As a sign of gratitude, the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev, who laid the foundation of our success today, was celebrated in various formats. Great events were organized in the Heydar Aliyev Palace and National Leader’s Museum in Nakhchivan, Baku Congress Center, and in the conference hall of the ATUC organized by ATUC. In addition, the delegation of the Federation of “Service-Work” Trade Unions participated in the events held in the regions of our republic.

Under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev, the worthy follower of our national leader, the achievements achieved in the military fields and in the international political arena have created a reliable foundation for the implementation of radical economic and social reforms in the country and the improvement of the population’s welfare: In the last five years, the average monthly salary in our country has increased by 1.7 times to 921.9 AZN, and the monthly minimum wage increased from 130 AZN to 345 AZN. Addressing the issue of Sustainable Development, which will be the main discussion topic of the Assembly, Ilyas Aliyev said that the main goal of this call accepted by the United Nations is to end all forms of poverty. All the countries joining this call, including Azerbaijan, implement strategies aimed at eliminating poverty in a coherent manner. The trade union has a special place in the struggle for this strategy to produce the desired results.

Then the vice-president of the Federation, Jamaleddin Ismayilov, made a speech on “The role of trade unions in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”. He said that representatives of the Federation participated in a number of international training courses, seminars and plenary sessions held in foreign countries and in our republic related to the SDG. The 4th Assembly of the Federation was held on November 28, 2019, regarding the priority goals and upcoming tasks for the trade union in the field of the implementation of those Goals.

For the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, relevant decisions were made on the creation and stimulation of partnership relations, the development of social dialogue that includes principles and values that meet the interests of people, the increase in the number and quality of collective agreements and contracts, as well as the strengthening and promotion of training and education. As you know, last year AHIK prepared its own voluntary assessment report on the measures implemented in Azerbaijan to fulfill the obligations of the SDG. Detailed information about the work done and the achievements achieved in 5 years was given here.

The current principles of social partnership are the basis for strengthening the cooperation of workers, their representatives, governments and employers in the transition to sustainable development. A commission on SDG was established within the confederation. “United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2015-2030 – A development strategy to promote the sustainable development of trade unions” was prepared by the members of the commission, with the participation of the Federation leadership. “Strengthening the capacity of the ILO for effective participation in the programs and processes of the ILO on sustainable development, SDG/2030 Agenda, Voluntary National Report and the UN” analysis of the operational experience of the AHIK regarding the process of the framework agreement on cooperation with the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Report for the period of review and evaluation of the measures taken in the Republic of Azerbaijan to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030” and “After the COVID-19 crisis, inclusive, Presentations of the books “Call to global action in order to carry out human-oriented restoration works of a stable and sustainable nature” were held in Imishli, Gazakh, Ismayilli districts, Sumgait, Baku cities. It should be noted that the meetings were attended by district, city authorities, public organizations, entrepreneurs and trade union activists. The events held were met with interest and had a great response. ” The role of the trade union in the implementation of the ILO Convention No. 105″, promotion of ILO Conventions No. 155 and 187, support for the ratification of the relevant conventions, their adoption, etc. lectures were given on the topics.Mr. Jamaleddin noted that the trade union mainly pays special attention to 5 goals: 1) elimination of poverty, 2) elimination of hunger, 3) quality education, 4) gender equality, 5) decent work and economic development. These goals play an important role for our field. In the end, the rapporteur called on all union members to actively participate in the implementation of this call of the ILO. He said that striving for the realization of the SDG goals means working for the welfare of our people. In 2024, the Assembly decided to hold report-election meetings in the member organizations of the Federation and to make changes in the composition of the Assembly.