The 24th Congress of TURK-ISH was opened


On November 30, the 24th Congress of the Confederation of Trade Union Organizations of Turkey (TURK-ISH ) was opened in Ankara.

Heads and other representatives of TURK-ISH member organizations attended the ceremony.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), vice-president of International Trade Unions Confederation and Pan European Regional Council, first vice-president of Trade Unions Organization of Turkic states, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairmen of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan attended the event as guests.

First, the report of the Turkish-Affairs report was heard, the work done, the projects were discussed.

ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev made a speech at the event, spoke about the continuously developing relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all areas, fraternal relations, mutual support, as well as the cooperation between ATUC and Turk-is: “Today, the Azerbaijani-Turkish Brotherhood is at the highest level. From the first day of the second Karabakh War, as Turkey was with Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani state and people supported their brothers thoroughly during the tragic earthquake in southeastern Turkey. At the same time, ATUC and member organizations did not spare material and moral assistance to their Turkish colleagues. We sent 10 one-and two – room modular containers to Turkey to provide shelters for people who were left homeless as a result of the earthquake. We also transferred 500 thousand Manats to support the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, which sends humanitarian aid to earthquake victims. In order to eliminate the consequences of forest fires in 2021, ATUC also donated 17 thousand Manats to Turkish Trade Unions.”

He said that relations between the trade unions of Brotherly Turkey and ATUC are constantly expanding, bilateral visits are organized, meetings are held: “we hold consultations and exchange of views on the events taking place in the international trade union movement. We signed our first contract with our Turkish colleagues. Let me remind you that the initiative to establish the Organization of Trade Unions of Turkic states belongs to us. We will continue to work together in the direction of strengthening and expanding our relations”.

Sattar Mohbaliyev also spoke about the activities of  TURK-ISH  and highly appreciated the work done over the past years, said it was a great example for trade unions of other countries and wished success to the Congress.

Then the heads of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan spoke about relations with TURK-ISH. They also thanked ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev and  TURK-ISH  chairman Ergun Atala for their initiative and organization in the establishment of the Organization of Trade Unions of Turkic states.

There were other performances at the event.

It should be noted that the Congress will last until December 2.