Symbol of Development and Victory


In 2003, October 15 is the day of the first presidential elections of independent Azerbaijan in the new millennium and the beginning of a glorious era in the history of our statehood. On that day, the appreciative Azerbaijani people made a historical choice and voted for a bright tomorrow, progress, security and future victories. The people showed high confidence in the most worthy graduate of the political school – Mr. Ilham Aliyev with the historical Call of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, who saved him from darkness, chaos and the threat of destruction of Azerbaijan. Having received a mandate from the people, Mr. Ilham Aliyev became an architect of the magnificent epoch of the history of Azerbaijan.

For 20 years of time, we say that Mr. Ilham Aliyev has turned Azerbaijan into the most powerful state in its history and the most reliable partner in the world with his well-thought-out, humane and completely independent policy, successful foreign diplomacy, ability and determination of a true commander in this short period of time. It is with such deeds that a true leader leaves his mark on history and keeps his name alive forever.

Today we can proudly say that it is with the wise policy of Mr. Ilham Aliyev that Azerbaijan has achieved in just 20 years the achievements that many states could not achieve in 100 years, and today it is mentioned among the powerful countries of the world for its political, economic and military power.

Distinguished President, Supreme Commander-in-chief, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, with his determination as a commander, destroyed the 200-year-old terrorist-separatist Armenian adventure, erasing the dream of “Great Armenia” from history once and for all, erected a statue of eternity in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people.

Historical moment of choice, appeal to the people, promises made

October 2003 was at the time of the historic selection. The health problems of the people’s Savior leader Heydar Aliyev did not allow him to continue his successful mission. For this reason, on October 1, The National leader appealed to the people who loved him and always supported his policy, saying that he withdrew his candidacy in favor of his political successor Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

Calling the people to support his worthy successor Ilham Aliyev, the great leader said that he is a highly intelligent, pragmatic-minded person, well-versed in modern world politics and economy, energetic and enterprising person: “I assure you that both Ilham Aliyev and The New Azerbaijan Party will continue to do a lot for the development of the Azerbaijani state and the prosperity I believe that with your help and support, Ilham Aliyev will be able to complete the fateful issues, plans and works that I could not bring to the end. I believe in him as much as myself and have high hopes for his future.”

Of course, the people clearly saw the processes taking place in the country and in the world and were well aware that the path of Heydar Aliyev is a path of salvation, and only his worthy successor can continue this policy.

In the elections held in 2003 on October 15, the people made their choice, and more than 76 percent of voters voted for Mr. Ilham Aliyev and chose him as their new leader. Thus, the Azerbaijani people voted for Heydar Aliyev’s political course. This was an indicator of the love and trust of our people in the National Leader, demonstrating his commitment to the political course. The people once again demonstrated that they are on the side of peace, tranquility, progress, development, construction and stability, showing that there is no alternative to this policy in the country.

President Ilham Aliyev, who received the mandate of trust from the people, promised at the inauguration ceremony held on October 31: “on October 15, the Azerbaijani people came to the polling stations and voted for Heydar Aliyev’s policy. He voted for peace, tranquility, progress, development, construction and stability. There is no alternative to this policy in Azerbaijan. Heydar Aliyev’s policy has brought great success to Azerbaijan… the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is the hardest problem for our country. Azerbaijan will never come to terms with this situation, with the occupation of its lands. Everyone should know that despite the fact that we are supporters of peace, we want not to start the war again and to resolve this issue peacefully, our patience is also not inexhaustible. Azerbaijan will liberate its native lands at any cost.”

Mr. Ilham Aliyev declared from a high chair that he will remain loyal to Heydar Aliyev’s policy, will never deviate from this path, and will strengthen, enrich, comprehensively develop modern Azerbaijan, which is his creation, and confidently step towards new victories.

The processes experienced 20 years ago today prove that the esteemed people of Azerbaijan did not make a mistake in their historical choice. Because Mr. Ilham Aliyev fulfilled all his promises. There was no word of the president that did not become reality. Azerbaijan, which may seem like a small point on the political map of the world, has become an influential state in 20 years, became a member of international organizations and even chaired some of them.

Economic independence, great successes, record indicators

During the period when President Ilham Aliyev headed the country, all areas found their development. As a result of the large-scale work carried out, systematic and consistent measures, deep reforms, Azerbaijan has become a political, economic and Cultural Center, initiator and active participant of large-scale energy, transport and infrastructure projects, a reliable partner in ensuring European energy security, a member of the World Space family, an important transit hub.

Of course, first of all, the new oil strategy of great leader Heydar Aliyev has a large share in the realization of all this. The “contract of the century” signed in 1994 ensured the strengthening of the Azerbaijani economy.

After his election as president, Mr. Ilham Aliyev determined state programs on socio-economic development of the regions and began to take important steps that condition internal development. On the basis of 4 state programs adopted to date on the development of regions in our country, unparalleled creative work and development policies have been implemented in each region of Azerbaijan, and almost in a short time the face of the regions has changed completely. Thousands of new jobs were created for the employment of the population.

At the beginning of the implementation of the first state program, Azerbaijan’s foreign exchange reserves amounted to only $ 1.8 million. Today, when we look at economic indicators, we are witnessing record indicators. Over the past 20 years, gross domestic product has increased four times, state budget revenues more than 30 times, and foreign trade turnover more than ten times. In 20 years, 300 billion US dollars have been invested in our country. One of the great challenges we faced at the beginning of our independence was known poverty. Although 20 years ago the number of people living in poverty was about 50 percent, now poverty in the country is 5.5 percent. In 20 years, our economy has grown 3.5 times. In 2022-2023, our strategic foreign exchange reserves increased by 14.5 percent to US $ 67 billion.

It was with the projects implemented on the basis of global initiatives of President Ilham Aliyev that Azerbaijan changed the energy map of Europe. Our country, which once met the energy needs of its population with imports, today exports energy to the world and has gained the status of the most reliable partner in this process.

As an active participant in the” East-West“,” North-South “transport corridors projects, as well as working on the” South-West “and” North-West ” projects, Azerbaijan is creating energy bridges in Eurasia today. It is a fact that during the years of independence Azerbaijan invested in its energy security and turned from an importer into an exporter. In 1994-2020, Azerbaijan implemented the projects “contract of the century”, “Southern Gas Corridor” consisting of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars, three – segment-South Caucasus Pipeline, TANAP and TAP gas pipelines.

Today, if we look at the map of energy and transport routes, including pipelines, we can see the handwriting of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is also a supplier of energy in international markets and is considered a reliable pan-European supplier by the European Union. During the period of independence, Azerbaijan also became an active member of the international community.

President Ilham Aliyev has always pursued a clear, transparent and unambiguous, independent policy. As an active member of the international community, Azerbaijan participates in numerous political, economic and regional development projects. Being elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council with the support of 155 countries, as well as chairing the Non-Aligned Movement in 2019-2023, which is represented by 120 countries, is an indicator of the influence and power of modern Azerbaijan on the international scale. It is already the fourth year that our country has successfully chaired the Non-Aligned Movement, which is the second largest international organization after the UN. This is indeed a clear manifestation of Azerbaijan’s wide international support. Azerbaijan is a member of two important international institutions – the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Council of Europe. This shows that Azerbaijan is one of the few countries that is a member of both organizations at the same time.

Successful results of progressive structural reforms

On the initiative of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who is known as the most reformist President, a national referendum was held in our country in 2016, and the people showed great confidence in the head of state and gave unequivocal support to the concept of reforms announced by him. Changes were made to the constitution, a new vice-presidential institution was created in the country, and a legal basis for more flexible management mechanisms was formed. The purpose of the establishment of the vice-presidential position was to ensure the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the activity of state structures, the achievement of better performance of obligations to citizens, and the strengthening of official responsibility. From this point of view, Mr. President’s proposal to establish a vice-presidential institution had serious grounds.

According to the order of the head of state dated February 21, 2017, Mehriban Aliyeva was appointed as the First Vice-President. Because at that time Mehriban Aliyeva was doing unparalleled work both as a deputy of the Milli Majlis and as the head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the country and in the international arena. His endless love for his homeland, his deep respect for national and moral values, his services in the social and political life of the country, and his inexhaustible love for the people were the main factors that determined his appointment to the position of the First Vice President of our country.

For 6 years now, thanks to her skillful political activity, high-level organizational skills, unique management characteristics, humanistic approach, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva has been handling this task with dignity. The policy she implements unequivocally suggests that Ms. Mehriban Aliyeva is the most loyal comrade-in-arms of Mr. President.

The progressive reforms of the president did not end there. The structural and personnel reforms carried out in the Cabinet of Ministers, the Presidential Administration, the Milli Majlis, the central and local executive authorities, the judiciary and other institutions under the initiative and leadership of the head of state gave a new impetus to the socio-political and economic development of our country. The reforms created a real foundation for the consistent and dynamic rise of Azerbaijan in the conditions of the new challenges of the modern era.

The destruction of the 200-year-old Armenian adventure

The great successes achieved thanks to economic independence and every decision, initiative and step of President Ilham Aliyev turned Azerbaijan into a powerful state and all this created a real basis for the realization of the most important promise made in 2003-the freedom of our occupied lands.

The Patriotic War, which began on September 2020, 27, ended triumphantly as a result of the determination of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, the unity of the people and the strength of our army. The victorious Supreme Commander-in-chief Ilham Aliyev ensured the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan as a real commander. We will not be mistaken if we say that” the restoration of our territorial integrity is a masterpiece of the policy of President Ilham Aliyev.”

Three years ago, as a result of the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan ended the occupation. On April 23, 2023, our territorial integrity was fully restored with the establishment of a border crossing point on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border in the direction of Lachin. On September 19, with local anti-terrorist measures held in Karabakh, Azerbaijan fully ensured its sovereignty. Armenian armed forces units located in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, illegal Armenian armed groups laying down their weapons, withdrawing from combat positions and military posts and completely disarming, Armenian armed forces units leaving the territories of Azerbaijan, releasing illegal Armenian armed groups, at the same time, the handover of all weapons and heavy equipment became the celebration of the next Victory of Azerbaijan. Supreme Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar, the Azerbaijani soldier and the people of Azerbaijan once again proved that the blood of our martyrs was not shed in a wrong place.

Having destroyed the two-century adventure of World Armenia, the dream of “Great Armenia” in 44 days and erased it from history in 23 hours, Ilham Aliyev once again showed everyone with his resolute policy that his word is as valid as his signature. If the president utters a word or makes a promise, he will definitely soon translate it into reality. Not only the Azerbaijani people, but the whole world already knows this.

As a resolute leader, Ilham Aliyev always said that the day will come when every separatist whose hand has sunk into the blood of the Azerbaijani people and committed terrorist acts against our people will be punished. This statement of the head of state did not take long to be realized. The “leaders”of the so-called Organization, who announced their release, are arrested one by one and brought to Baku. To date, 8 terrorists have been detained by the State Security Service of Azerbaijan. Some of them have been given a definitive measure of detention. Some of them continue to be surveyed. The process will be continuous, and the terrorists will receive their well-deserved punishment for the crimes committed.

Thus, President Ilham Aliyev completed the full restoration of sovereignty and the constitutional order in 44 days and completed it in 23 hours. The full restoration of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan is the result of the powerful leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. The victorious Supreme Commander-in-chief destroyed the two-century dream of “Great Armenia”, the terrorist-separatist adventure in 44 days and erased it from history once and for all.

Today, our territories cleared of separatists are controlled by the relevant state bodies of Azerbaijan. At the same time, the process of reintegration of Armenian residents of Karabakh is being carried out.  Armenian residents, who have been held hostage in the hands of separatists for years, intend to obtain Azerbaijani citizenship and live a pleasant, prosperous life in the territory of our country as representatives of other nations. They will also be surrounded by the care provided by the Azerbaijani state to other citizens.

Great build, Great return

The main mission of Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, as a great statesman and leader of the Azerbaijani people, is the reconstruction of our cities and villages that were freed from the occupation of the enemy by the power of the state and the people, and the return of our compatriots who were displaced from their homes.

This, being the Great Return, will include the return of Azerbaijanis not only to Karabakh, but to all the historical lands they were deported to. Now, the strategy established by President Ilham Aliyev with great foresight is aimed at making the state of Azerbaijan more powerful, the people of Azerbaijan stronger, and the flag of Azerbaijan higher. The new reality created as a result of the Great Victory ensures the inexhaustible relevance of the Great Return strategy, which envisages the restoration and development of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur. In addition to the creation of new infrastructure, the said strategy consists in transforming the liberated territories and the region in general into a new development model. Thus, the adoption of the innovations applied in the design work as an exemplary model for many states and the international acknowledgments on the issue indicate the effectiveness and perspective of the return strategy.

Since the end of the Second Karabakh War, 7 billion US dollars have been spent on reconstruction works from the Azerbaijani budget. The minimum planned budget for the next year is 2.4 billion dollars. It should be emphasized that Azerbaijan does not receive any financial support or financial assistance to realize all these projects. As a powerful state, it creates chaos in our lands freed from occupation only due to its economic capabilities.

Today, IDPs are returning to their homes. In Shusha, Zangilan, Talish, Fuzuli, life has started to boil again. All the necessary infrastructures are being created in our cities, regions and villages freed from occupation, and our historical, cultural and religious monuments are being restored. The sound of the holy call to prayer, which was silenced in our mosques and lands that were turned into ruins by the enemy for many years, can be heard in the temples of worship that have been rebuilt thanks to the leadership of the victorious Commander. Of course, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, has invaluable services in the realization of all these processes. After the liberation of our land from occupation, all our monuments destroyed by Armenian barbarians and wanted to be erased from history are restored by this fund. Until now, our mosques, historical-religious and cultural monuments in Shusha, Aghdam, Zangilan and other areas freed from occupation are being fully restored.

Every time President Ilham Aliyev visits Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, he visits our monuments that have been completed, gets acquainted with the work done in our historical-architectural, cultural-religious monuments, and gives his instructions and recommendations.

In short, Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar, who liberated Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur with an “iron fist”, is rebuilding our historical cities, regions, and villages with an “iron will” and is taking decisive steps for the full return of our former IDPs to their native lands.

Another mission of the President of Azerbaijan is to ensure peace and security in the region. Having fully secured its sovereignty, Azerbaijan was always ready to conclude a peace agreement with Armenia. If the leadership of the defeated country no longer believes in the false promises of some of its patrons and signs a peace agreement, a new era may begin in the South Caucasus. By winning the right to participate in the projects to be implemented in the region, Armenia will get rid of the quagmire it has been in for 30 years. Mr. Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly conveyed this to the leadership of this country. Now the choice is Armenia’s.

In short, we can say with certainty that Mr. Ilham Aliyev, whose word is as valid as his signature, has erected an eternal statue in the hearts of the Azerbaijani people with this historic mission. On October 1, 2003, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev’s visionary statement “I believe that Ilham Aliyev will be able to finish the fateful issues that I could not bring to an end” was confirmed. The determined Leader, who fulfilled his father’s will, justified this belief. Now, all of Azerbaijan and the whole world believe in his power.



                                                          Deputy of Milli Majlis, chairman of

                                                          Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation

                                                         ” Azerbaijan ” newspaper