Awarded the director of the scientific-research institute of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture


An event was held in Guba region on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Ilham Garagurbanli, director of the Research Institute of Fruit and Tea Cultivation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences.

Scientists, intellectuals, employees of the institute participated in the event organized by the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Congratulating the jubilee, Fuad Mammadov, the chairman of MA UTUC, spoke about his meaningful and honorable life path, efficient and selfless work, scientific achievements, the indicators of the institute he leads, his contributions to the development of fruit and tea growing in our country, and wished him success in his future activities.

F.Mammadov also presented Ilham Garagurbanli with an honorary diploma and valuable gifts on behalf of the committee headed by him.

Academician Adil Garibov, director of the Institute of Genetic Resources Zeynal Alakbarov, director of the Institute of Ecology Bahram Aliyev, director of the Institute of Microbiology Panah Muradov, director of the Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Faig Khudayev, director of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Elmar Allahverdiyev and the Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry were also present at the anniversary event. director Mahir Hajiyev made speeches and talked about the jubilee’s scientific and labor activities, exemplary behavior, and congratulated him. Other speeches were also heard at the event and the anniversary party continued.