ATUC held a conference with the participation of young people within the framework of “Heydar Aliyev Year”


On September 7, a conference on “the role of Heydar Aliyev in the formation and development of Azerbaijani youth” was held within the framework of the “Year of Heydar Aliyev” organized by the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC).

At the event organized in the conference hall of the “Tahsil” recreation center located in the village of Nabran of  Khachmaz district, the chairman of ATUC, the deputy of Milli Mejlis Sattar Mohbaliyev, the head of the Executive Power of Khachmaz district Elnur Rzayev, the advisor of the minister of science and education Elnur Nasibov, the employees of the Confederation, students of higher educational institutions of our country and activists young people participated.

First, the dear memory of our sons and daughters who died for the freedom and defense of our Motherland, led by the founder and founder of the Azerbaijan state, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, was commemorated with a minute’s silence, and the National Anthem was played.

First, the dear memory of our sons and daughters who died for the freedom and defense of our Motherland, led by the founder and founder of the Azerbaijan state, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, was commemorated with a minute’s silence, and the National Anthem was played.

Welcoming the participants, ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev spoke about the youth policy of our state, authored by great leader Heydar Aliyev, and spoke about his attention and care to young people both during his leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan and when he was president of modern independent Azerbaijan: “Heydar Aliyev created the state of Azerbaijan, and today you young people are happy citizens of that state. The Great Leader built this state for you, spent his entire meaningful life on this path and lived only for his people, his homeland, his state, the founder of which he was. When Heydar Aliyev came to the leadership of Soviet Azerbaijan, our country was one of the remaining republics at the level of the Union. His wise leadership paved the way for the great socio-economic development of Azerbaijan, and our republic turned into a large industrial country.”

“Our youth was always surrounded by the Great Leader’s attention and care. As young people of that time, we felt it in our lives. He tried to ensure that Azerbaijani youth were educated and acquired modern knowledge. The Institute of Foreign Languages, The Institute of Civil Engineers, the Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute, the Pedagogical Institute in Karabakh were established at the initiative of Heydar Aliyev. On his initiative, the number of students sent to study at Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other universities of the USSR increased every year. His initiative to establish the military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski once again showed his steel will,” Sattar Mohbaliyev said.

“Our young people were always surrounded by the attention and care of the Great Leader. As young people of that time, we felt it in our own lives. He tried to make the Azerbaijani youth educated and acquire modern knowledge. Institute of Foreign Languages, Institute of Civil Engineers, Nakhchivan Pedagogical Institute, Karabakh Pedagogical Institute were created at the initiative of Heydar Aliyev. On his personal initiative, the number of students sent to study in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and other higher schools of the USSR increased every year. His initiative to establish a Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski once again showed his steel will,” Sattar Mohbaliyev said.

According to him, our wise people were well aware of Heydar Aliyev’s founding, creative, enterprising spirit, his boundless love for his Motherland, his decisive and fearless will from the 70s of the last century: “It was for this reason that it was necessary to get out of the severe crisis in the early 90s our people brought Heydar Aliyev to power. The result is clear today. Dynamically developing in all fields, the leader of the region, the victorious Azerbaijan, which has a great voice in the world. “The Youth Policy of our state defined by Heydar Aliyev has created an important foundation for the development of young people with a healthy spirit, a sound mind, loyal to the Motherland and the state, and rich in spirituality.”

The chairman of ATUC stressed that since 2003, the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev has further improved the direction of development of youth policy on the basis of existing traditions: “the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva, is actively working to reveal the talent of young people. Also, projects implemented abroad and in our country on the initiative of Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva play an important role in increasing the activity of our youth and coordinating their activities.”

“Azerbaijani trade unions actively support the youth policy defined by our state within their powers. 38.5 percent of trade union members are young people under 29 years old. We also highly appreciate the close participation of young people in the activities of trade unions and consider them to be the main source of further development and strengthening of trade unions”, said the MP of Milli Majlis.

Sattar Mohbaliyev added that Heydar Aliyev’s political course is the foundation of every success of our country: “Therefore, it is the sacred duty of each of us to study, protect and pass on the rich heritage of the Great Leader to future generations. Under the leadership of First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation successfully implements the Great Leader policy and keeps this legacy alive with dignity. Our youth should be more active in this matter. We are sure that Heydar Aliyev’s legacy will shine a bright light on the conquest of new heights by our native Azerbaijan.”

Elnur Rzayev, the head of the Khachmaz District Executive Power, spoke about the events organized in our country, including the projects implemented in Khachmaz, within the framework of the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”, and talked about the Great Leader’s rescue mission and youth policy. He said that Heydar Aliyev formed the foundations of our statehood in both periods when he led Azerbaijan so perfectly that it is the guarantor of the successful development of Azerbaijan for centuries: “The Great Leader turned our country into a place of comprehensive development in a short period of time. First, by preventing a civil war, he freed the republic from the danger of disintegration. The National Leader, who restored socio-political stability thanks to his wise management qualities, laid the foundation of a democratic civil society.”

Elnur Rzayev stressed that the Great Leader, who considers Azerbaijan a country of youth and young people the future of Azerbaijan, defined attention to young people as a priority direction of state policy.

Advisor to the minister of Science and education Elnur Nasibov spoke about the education policy of the Great Leader, his reforms in this area, mainly his contribution to the development of vocational education. According to him, as a result of the successful educational policy of the National Leader, already in 2003, more than 160 Azerbaijani young people studied in 3,000 specialties in prestigious higher educational institutions of the world: “the social status of young people studying abroad at the expense of the state was always in the attention of the Great Leader. In order to further increase and support the interest of talented young people in Education, President Heydar Aliyev personally met with the applicants who received the highest scores from the entrance exams to universities, and the decision to grant them the “Presidential Scholarship”is another example of the genius person’s attention to education.”

Then, veteran of the Patriotic War, Student Of The University of Economics Khayyam Gadimaliyev and Nigar Huseynzade, Student Of The University of languages Zeynab Salmanova, Student Of The University of Architecture and construction Leyla Mammadli, student of Baku Engineering University Sabuhi Rustamov, Student Of The University of oil and Industry Rashid Aliyev and others spoke about the national leader’s national statehood policy,, they also talked about the conditions created for the development of young people in Azerbaijan and the courage of young people in the 44-day Patriotic War.


At the end, ATUC chairman  Sattar Mohbaliyev gave a number of recommendations to the students and wished them success in the next academic year.