“Armenia should draw conclusions from President Ilham Aliyev’s messages in Lachin”


“Lachin district, which was under occupation for many years, is currently experiencing a period of revival, where rapid improvement and construction works are being carried out. As a result of the work done, up to 1000 residents have already returned to their homes and this process continues successfully. Our state has implemented all these works in a short period of time. Like our other occupied regions, Armenians engaged in vandalism and plundered the region’s natural resources. They resorted to all kinds of ugliness, from changing the geographical names of residential areas to illegal settlement in Lachin. Today, the landscape is different, all the consequences of the occupation have been removed, and the region’s former appearance has been restored.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, deputy of the Milli Majlis, said these thoughts to mass media.

“In general, the construction works carried out in East Zangezur and Karabakh are directly supervised by the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Together with the first lady Mehriban Aliyeva, she makes regular visits to the region and familiarizes herself with the work done on the spot, gives her assignments and recommendations. The last visit of President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva to Kalbajar and Lachin regions was significant in this regard, they participated in the groundbreaking and opening ceremonies of a number of facilities, met and talked with local residents in Lachin. Of course, the feelings of joy on the faces of the people of Lachin who returned to their homeland made us all happy, they have achieved their biggest dreams and for that they expressed their thanks to the President. The head of state also participated in the “Lachin City Day” holiday event in Lachin. In his speech at the event, he once again declared that no one can influence our will. It is known that the Armenian side, whose aggressive plans have been thwarted and whose occupying army has been destroyed, is carrying out ugly and false anti-Azerbaijani propaganda, protesting the construction of the Lachin border crossing point and trying to interfere in the internal affairs of our country. He even tries to pick up straw on the way, thinking that he can achieve something with the help of his patrons. But he forgets that no matter how long the hand of France and other “friends” who support the occupation is, it will not reach our lands, because Azerbaijan is a strong country, and it will never allow it. The establishment of a border crossing point is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan, international law is also on our side. Our President said the last word about it. Therefore, Armenia is simply wasting time and thereby making the situation it is in even more difficult. In a word, the status quo is unchanged,” said the MP of Milli Majlis.

According to him, President Ilham Aliyev fulfilled all the promises he made to his people and always confirmed his words with his deeds: “In his speech, the head of state reminded the people of Lachin on his birthday – when I turned 50 years old – in Takhtakorpu settlement of Aghjabedi district. The result is already clear. Lachinians returning to their homeland are provided with more comfortable, modern apartments. All conditions are created for them to live prosperously in Lachin. The wise management of our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, stands in front of all these achievements.”