Honorable service mission


“History determines everyone’s place and destiny in life. Therefore, there are no big or small roles. Only your personal, perceived responsibility allows you to write your own life book. In this book, everyone personifies himself as the creator or destroyer of his personal life and the world. Who you are, you must be – see, this is our life. Therefore, you should not take on the roles and images of others. Because you and your place in the world are unique and unique.”

The author of these instructive words is First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, who has provided unparalleled services in the direction of the continuous development of Azerbaijan, the protection of our statehood, and national values, and who has turned the happy and prosperous life of our people into a life credo. What is written in the life book of Mehriban Aliyeva, who managed to write her name in golden letters in our glorious history with her good deeds, is truly unique.

Mehriban Aliyeva’s services in the expansion of the women’s movement in our country in the last 20 years and in the systematic and consistent activities of our ladies for the sake of noble and benevolent goals should be specially emphasized. High moral qualities such as humanism, caring and philanthropy, which are typical for an Azerbaijani woman, find a brighter embodiment in her personality.

Today, in Azerbaijan, the most powerful country in its history, the place and role of women in society is in sight. An Azerbaijani woman is an embodiment of nobility, kindness, a skilled politician, businessman and public official. This activity is determined by the nature of the gender policy implemented in our country and the necessary conditions created for women to use all opportunities as full members of society.

Heydar Aliyev school – an example of humanism, wisdom and patriotism

In general, the further activation and diversification of the women’s movement at a qualitatively new stage of socio-economic and democratic development in Azerbaijan is reflected in the development strategy defined by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev.

The genius, who returned to political power in Azerbaijan at the insistence of the people, gave a strong stimulus to the development of the women’s movement within the framework of human rights. Thanks to the special attention of the Great Leader, who considered it important to promote women in all spheres of management, decision-making and social life, since 1993, the transformation of women into social and political life in our country, their representation in state administration, and their equal rights with men in all spheres has become one of the priority directions of the public administration course. The most valuable thoughts about Azerbaijani women belong to the National Leader: “The people of Azerbaijan have always treated women with great respect, the role she plays in the life of the society, and the high position she holds. The concepts of motherland, land, and language, which the people consider the most dear, precious and sacred, are equal to the mother’s name. The deep respect shown to the name of women, the endless mother’s love has found its bright embodiment in our monuments of words and art. Prominent representatives of our literature and culture have praised the bravery, beauty, and spiritual purity of Azerbaijani women in their works.

Today, together with President Ilham Aliyev, First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva continues the ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and his humanistic policy quite perfectly. Of course, the role of the Heydar Aliyev school in the formation of Mehriban Aliyeva as a statesman is undeniable. The first lady of our country has very interesting thoughts about this: “When I was a member of Heydar Aliyev’s family, I was studying in the first year, so many factors have been formed in more than 20 years and determined the type of behavior in an environment that always has an element of mass. For 20 years, I lived in the family of a man like Heydar Aliyev. We were with him in his difficult years and in his happy moments. With his indomitable will, this man lived like a winner and left the world like a winner. Unlike the vast majority of people, we have seen him not only in the role of a political figure and head of state, but also as an ordinary person, the head of a family, a father and grandfather who loves his children. I am grateful to my fate that I had such an opportunity. Communicating with this person has been an extraordinary life school for me. I hope I could learn something from him.”

Looking at Mehriban Aliyeva’s life today, it is clear that all the projects she has implemented and the invaluable work she has done come from her genetic code and the environment of her family. As an example of all these, we can show the projects he implemented in the fields of health, education, culture, literature, charity and, finally, his state policy.

As a result of Mehriban Aliyeva’s efforts, today the women’s movement in Azerbaijan has reached a qualitatively high level. In all state structures in the country, serious work has been done to increase the role of women in management. Today, Azerbaijani women are represented in parliament, central and local executive bodies, municipalities, education, healthcare, business structures as entrepreneurs in the development of the country’s economy, agricultural sector, army, law enforcement agencies. The number of women holding leading positions is not small. The First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Speaker of the Milli Majlis and the ombudsman are also women.

A share of joy given to thousands of people

Ms. Mehriban Aliyeva worked as a deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 2005 to February 2017. The work he has done as a deputy, the projects he has implemented, should really be highly appreciated. Because Mrs. Mehriban really did a lot of work as a deputy and took very important steps towards solving the socio-economic problems of the constituency she represents. Mrs. Mehriban, who is constantly in contact with her voters, has taken progressive steps towards solving each of their problems.

His activity does not end only with solving the problems of his constituents, giving them attention and care. Mehriban Khanum’s political and especially international activities have brought dividends to Azerbaijan. It was Mehriban khanum who rendered invaluable services in conveying the truths of Azerbaijan to the world. It is impossible to finish counting them.

During the time of her representation in the Milli Majlis, Mrs. Mehriban put forward a number of proposals. Based on Heydar Aliyev’s ideas of humanism and justice, his initiative to accept the amnesty acts put forward in 2007, 2009, 2013 and 2016 was highly appreciated by our colleagues. Based on these amnesty acts, a total of 40,000 convicts were released from punishment.

They say that forgiveness is the greatness of the heart. It was the amnesties announced by these kind initiatives of Mrs. Mehriban, that freed thousands of people and caused the immense joy of mothers, sisters, children, and elderly parents who were waiting for their return with longing and anticipation.

As it can be seen, Mehriban Aliyeva lives the words of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, “The fate of the people and the Motherland must become the fate of every person” with wisdom and also as loyalty to the wise. Mehriban Aliyeva, who is able to make people happy, considers herself lucky because she was able to give them this feeling. Touching on this point in one of her interviews, the first lady said: “I receive more than 200 letters every day. None of them go unnoticed. I want to do specific work and help specific people. I want to solve concrete problems, feel joy when I can help, and feel sorry when I can’t do something due to reasons beyond my control, suffer when I realize all my powerlessness in the face of an incurable disease, and be happy again when I see the smile of a rescued child. This is my choice.”


The largest and most influential public organization of the region


From 2004 until today, Mehriban Aliyeva is the president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation named after the Great Leader. Just briefly paying attention to the various projects implemented by the foundation in the 19 years of its activity makes one’s heart go to the mountains.

We would not be wrong if we say that selfless kindness, charity, healing the sick, caring for the destitute, and projects implemented in health care, science, education, culture, sports, and other fields are priceless.

Thousands of patients have been cured in the modern type modern hospitals built on the initiative of Mrs. Mehriban. The children’s homes rebuilt and built on the initiative of the Foundation and the joy of the orphaned children whom Mehriban Aliyeva regularly visits, the mother’s love given to them, and the sincere care provided have always been highly appreciated by the entire country.

President Ilham Aliyev gave the highest value to the activities of the Foundation, especially to Mehriban Aliyeva. The head of state said that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has become the largest and most influential public organization not only in Azerbaijan but also in the region under the leadership of Mehriban Aliyeva. The multifaceted activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation are highly appreciated by the people of Azerbaijan. Many important projects and programs have been launched at the initiative of the fund. Among them, the program “A new school for renewing Azerbaijan” should be specially mentioned. As a result of the launch of this program, thousands of schools in our country have been overhauled or rebuilt in recent years. Other projects served the comprehensive development of our country. Thousands of people were provided with medical treatment under the line and support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. In many cases, these issues are not disclosed to the public. The activity of the fund aims to help people in need and provide support to the least protected citizens as much as possible.

Mr. President also appreciated the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s projects related to culture and art and emphasized that the foundation played an indispensable role in the protection of our spiritual, historical and cultural heritage. The redevelopment of mugham art, which is our national treasure, and its introduction to the international arena was possible as a result of the personal initiative of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Mehriban Aliyeva. Mugham competitions held in Azerbaijan have already become an integral part of our lives. It is not just an art form, but our cultural wealth. National and moral values and traditions play a special role in the upbringing of the young generation. From this point of view, such initiatives have a great social meaning. At the same time, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation played a great role in presenting mugham as an Azerbaijani art on a world scale.

Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s projects are not limited to the national scale. Under the leadership of Ms. Mehriban, the foundation held various presentations, exhibitions, and events to promote Azerbaijan in the world. As a result of numerous events, the world community began to get to know our country more closely. Thanks to such projects, it became clear to many peoples and states of the world that Azerbaijan is a modern, dynamically developing country, and its people are very connected to their historical roots.


Successful and high organizational skills.


It is well known to the people of Azerbaijan that Ms. Mehriban Aliyeva also has high organizational skills. This is also confirmed by prestigious sports and cultural competitions and events, which are successfully held in our country and give impetus to the further increase of Azerbaijan’s international reputation.

The prestigious “Eurovision” International Song Contest, characterized as a “music festival” of Europe, in 2012 in Baku at the highest level played a special role in the promotion of our country in the world. At the same time, during the first European Games held in our capital in 2015, “Baku-2015” working under the leadership of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva

Thanks to the great perseverance of the 1st European Games Organizing Committee, Azerbaijan has defined the standards of the European Games. The spectacular opening and closing ceremonies of the said games were met with admiration and sympathy at the international level as a unique example. It also demonstrated the potential, strength, moral values and high qualities of our people to the whole world.

The Organizing Committee of the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games held in the capital Baku in 2017 also successfully operated under the leadership of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, and as a result, Azerbaijan successfully hosted the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games. This was another contribution to the strengthening of the Islamic solidarity of Azerbaijan, which played an important role in the development and promotion of intercultural dialogue.

It was in 2015 that Mehriban Aliyeva was awarded the Heydar Aliyev Order, the highest award of the state of Azerbaijan, for her services in holding the 1st European Games, which was the highest value given by the President of Azerbaijan to her comprehensive activities.


A higher mission, a loyal comrade-in-arms, a great support

It was this multifaceted activity, his endless love for his homeland and people, his deep respect for national and moral values, his services in the social and political life of the country, and his inexhaustible care for people, that were the main factors that determined his appointment to the position of the First Vice President of our country.

The decision taken by President Ilham Aliyev in February 2017 was highly appreciated by the people of Azerbaijan. Because Mehriban Aliyeva was very professional, knowledgeable, experienced, principled, very kind and the most worthy social and political figure who was highly appreciated by the people.

Thus, from 2017, a new era began in the life of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva. President Ilham Aliyev confidently declared at the meeting of the Security Council regarding this appointment that Mehriban Aliyeva, who has been loved for her loyal service to the people of Azerbaijan and the state, will continue to make her valuable contribution to the development of our country.

Mehriban Aliyeva has been successfully working as the First Vice President of Azerbaijan for 6 years now. Of course, although 6 years is not considered a long period of time, the realities of the period and the happenings confirm that there are great reasons to consider the period since February 2017 as a successful reporting period of Mehriban Aliyeva.

A few days after the appointment of the first vice president, Mehriban Aliyeva said in an interview to the “Vesti nedeli” program of the “Russia 1” TV channel: “I have to justify the trust of the President, and most importantly, the trust of the people who believe in me and hope for me.” Declaring that she will fulfill her duties properly, Mehriban Khanum’s activity in the past 6 years has shown that this promise has come true in practice. To be more precise, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva managed to justify the trust of the head of state, the people who expressed their trust in him and had high hopes with her exemplary activity at the highest level.

Mehriban Aliyeva, who plays a serious role in state administration, is the author of social projects for the sake of the progress of our country, has become a philanthropist, a symbol of compassion, mercy, and a gate of hope in the society, copes with the task assigned to her with her practical activities.

During the past period, everyone testified that Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva is also a loyal comrade in arms. He is the biggest supporter of fully independent policy and progressive reforms implemented by President Ilham Aliyev. Mehriban khanum Aliyeva’s services are also great in the implementation of the strategic political course that President Ilham Aliyev continues with confidence, and in making this policy felt prominently in the life of every citizen. His philosophy of service to the motherland is based on endless love for his people, unshakable faith in the ideas of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, and high feelings of loyalty to the independent policy of President Ilham Aliyev. The role of Mehriban Aliyeva in the social, political and cultural life of our country, who won the respect and love of everyone due to her kindness, high skills, attention and care, is undeniable.

After the glorious victory achieved in the 44-day Patriotic War, the first lady Mehriban Aliyeva, who accompanied the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev during his visits to the territories freed from occupation, shares with a unique sincerity, draws public attention to the serious consequences of Armenian vandalism. It provides certain messages and information to the public about the projects and measures to be implemented in the territories freed from occupation.

At the same time, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by Mehriban Aliyeva, greatly supports the unprecedented reconstruction and restoration construction projects implemented by the President. The process of restoration of historical, religious and cultural monuments in our lands freed from occupation is being carried out through the foundation. The activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, especially in the restoration works carried out in Shusha and Aghdam, are unparalleled, and all this is, first of all, the embodiment of Mehriban Aliyeva’s patriotism.

During the visit of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and his wife Ziroatkhon Mirziyoyeva to Karabakh on August 22-23, the projects implemented by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Shusha once again touched the hearts of both the leadership of the friendly country and the citizens of the country. The world once again testified that the attempt of Armenian barbarians to lose traces of Azerbaijan’s history was not possible for 30 years. Our monuments destroyed by the enemy during the occupation have now been fully restored. The restoration of our mosques, where wild Armenians kept pigs, and the sound of adhan from their minarets pierces the heart of the enemy, gladdens the souls of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our ancient city, Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur in general.

Today, August 26, is celebrated as two significant days in the social and political life of our country. Both the birthday of the First Vice-President of our country and the celebration of the freedom of the former settlers who returned to their native Lachin after 30 years of longing for their homeland – “City Day” is celebrated. According to the order of President Ilham Aliyev, the liberation day of our lands, which were freed from occupation, will be celebrated with great pomp. First of all, the people of Lachin experience the joy of that day.

We would not be wrong if we say that these two significant days have a symbolic meaning. Both President Ilham Aliyev and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva have always been with the families of former IDPs or martyrs on the most significant days of their lives. This tradition continues today. This is a clear embodiment of the value and care that the head of the country and the first lady give to our people, especially to people from that category.

The big return of our former IDPs to their native lands has already started. Almost every week, large migration caravans move towards Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s Great Return Concept is being successfully implemented. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva is also a great support to our President as a loyal comrade in arms in this historic mission.