A meeting was held by the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture with the Agrarian Services Agency

A meeting was held with the staff of the Agrarian Services Agency by the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Speaking at the meeting, Anar Taghiyev, head of the Organizational Department of  the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture   , spoke about the rules for adjusting the work system in hot weather conditions.
He said that it is one of the main duties of employers to take necessary measures to protect the life and health of employees when the air temperature exceeds 41 degrees Celsius: “Most of the workers in the agricultural sector work outdoors in the fields at noon.Employers and farmers are advised to stop all work outdoors or in covered buildings, rooms and other workplaces without cooling facilities at certain times of the day, for example between 13:00 and 17:00. Employees should be given breaks, the number and duration of breaks should be determined based on the joint decision of the employer and the trade union organization.A. Taghiyev noted that measures should be taken by the trade union organization to effectively organize the rest of union members.
At the meeting, opinions and suggestions of the participants were heard and their questions were answered.
In the end, Anar Azimova, deputy chairman of the Agrarian Services Agency, was presented with an honorary diploma of  the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture   on the occasion of her birthday.