A meeting was held with the Labor Collective


A meeting was held with the Public Legal Entity collective of the Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetables of the Ministry of Agriculture.The chairman of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fuad Mammadov, spoke to the collective about the tasks assigned to the trade union organization and the measures taken to fulfill these tasks. Fuad Mammadov noted that protection of members’ health, effective organization of workers’ free time, creation of decent working conditions for them, and protection of labor rights are always in the focus of trade union organizations.Within the framework of the meeting, the vice-chairman of the Institute’s Board of Directors, Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, associate professor Alamdar Asgarov was given an honorary decree and a gift by the trade union committee on the occasion of his 65th anniversary. Elmar Allahverdiyev, Chairman of the Board of the Public Legal Entity of the Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables, thanked the Ministry of Agriculture for their attention and care to the people working in the field of science and wished success in their work.
At the end of the meeting,  speakers said that they were satisfied with the meeting and valued it as a reward for their work.