The initiatives put forward by President Ilham Aliyev are important for the new world order


“A ministerial meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement was held in our country, and the event is very important in terms of the relevance of the discussed issues. Because the world changes rapidly, unexpected events happen. At such a moment, the threat of peace and security, the issues of tolerance are among the most worrying issues in the world, which Azerbaijan, as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, brings to the agenda and tries to find solutions. Today, as everyone in the world admits, the Non-Aligned Movement, thanks to the successful chairmanship of Azerbaijan, has made great progress in the last three years, its activities have expanded, and it has become an important global political power and voice. If we take a look at the past three years, we will see that through this institution, Azerbaijan taught the world a lesson in justice with its actions and initiatives, and revealed its objective approach to issues. Azerbaijan’s resolute opposition to vaccine nationalism during the pandemic and the fact that it is the initiator of the most global measures in the fight against the pandemic is a direct confirmation of what we said. Also, based on human values, our country provided financial and humanitarian aid to more than 80 countries related to the coronavirus, and made a voluntary financial contribution of 10 million US dollars to the World Health Organization. Of course, these are part of the works that show the responsibility and effective leadership of Azerbaijan as the chairman of the Movement. And it proves that even though Azerbaijan is not a big country in the world in terms of its territory and population, it is capable of achieving international achievements under the wise leadership of its strong leader.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the ideas expressed by the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev at the ministerial meeting of the Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement and the initiatives put forward are more calculated for the future of the world: “Our president boldly expressed the negative situations happening in the world, the inactivity of international organizations and shared his ideas about the solutions. In particular, he noted the necessity of carrying out reforms in the UN. Mr. Ilham Aliyev also expressed his concern about the growth of neo-colonialism tendencies and called on France, which is still continuing this ugly policy, to refrain from its actions. It is known from history that France was the most brutal colonial power and carried out genocides in Africa. The policy he is demonstrating today is completely against human rights and democratic values. Even violating the requirements of international law, it interferes in the internal affairs of states, creates enmity, and supports separatist tendencies. Let’s not go too far, by presenting himself as a defender of the Armenian national minority living in our territory, he is actually taking an inflammatory position and trying to block the peace process. Right now, France is literally falling apart. The people are protesting against racial discrimination and the intransigent policy of the government. Police violence is also evident. Now, see, does this country have the right to talk about human rights!? The French government must take into account the remarks of the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, make changes in its policy, and respect human rights. Also, this country should follow the example of other former colonial countries and apologize to the peoples it has suffered.”

“In his speech, President Ilham Aliyev also touched on the increase in cases of Islamophobia and xenophobia, and of course, this topic is extremely relevant in the world. As we know, as a result of the ugly propaganda, Islam is interpreted in the context of violence and terrorized. Undoubtedly, this is a sensitive moment that threatens peace and security in the world. Therefore, such cases should be strongly condemned and a serious fight should be made against it. The head of our state also informed the participants of the occupation policy of Armenia for many years, its bitter consequences, Azerbaijan’s brilliant victory over the enemy and the new realities that have arisen, and what the real truth is. With his logical arguments, he once again proved that Azerbaijan is a supporter of peace and strives for the normalization of relations. But the conflicting behavior of Armenia still hinders this process”, said the MP of the Milli Majlis.

At the end, the chairman of the ATUC added that Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement with great responsibility, hosting its events at the highest level, bringing up topical issues of a global nature and achieving successful results increase the reputation and role of our country in the world and strengthen its international positions.