The Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan appealed to international organizations


The appeal says:


“The Armenian side is resorting to various provocations and is trying to continue its aggressive policy in order to disrupt the negotiations and change the course of processes in the direction of normalizing relations and achieving a final peace. Thus, Azerbaijan has set up a border checkpoint on the Lachin Road in order to control its borders and prevent Armenia’s provocations, smuggling and unauthorized shipment of trucks to the country. Azerbaijan has proposed “Agdam-Khankendi” and other alternative ways to meet the needs of Armenians living in Karabakh. These proposals were also considered acceptable and supported by the European Union and the International Committee of the Red Cross. However, despite this, it is unacceptable to aggravate the situation when Armenia sends a caravan of cars to enter the territory of Azerbaijan through the Lachin road without any prior agreement. It is an attempt to directly encroach on the sovereignty of Azerbaijan and a gross attempt to intervene in its territorial integrity.


Azerbaijan has always provided conditions for the transportation of humanitarian goods from Armenia to the Armenians living in Karabakh. They regularly opened fire on the Azerbaijani border guards on the Lachin road, injured the soldiers, and prevented the normal and safe operation of the road. It is clear from these actions that the real intention of the Armenians is different.

As for the opinions voiced by the Armenian side about the lack of food and medicine for the Armenians living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, this is completely false, nothing more than confusing the international community. In this way, they are trying to prevent the reintegration of local Armenians into the Azerbaijani society, they are making the situation tense.

Therefore, we, as trade unions of Azerbaijan, appeal to all international organizations, including the International Confederation of Trade Unions, the Confederation of General Trade Unions, the Pan-European Regional Council, the Global Field Trade Unions, and emphasize that they should take a responsible position against the above, cover up the realities of the Armenian side. don’t believe their fabrications, condemn attempts to interfere with Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”.