Shusha Forum will make significant contributions to the development of world media


Shusha, the capital of Azerbaijani culture, once again hosted a prestigious international event – the Shusha Global Media Forum on the theme of “New Media in the 4th Industrial Revolution” and showed its greatness, identity, self to the world. We can proudly say that Shusha is already known in the world as a place where international events are held and discussions of a global nature are held. The participation of 150 foreign guests from 49 countries, including state information agencies of 34 countries of the world, 12 international organizations and media institutions, is a manifestation of the importance of the event and the interest in it. This is also a very important event in terms of conveying the truth and realities to the international community. Thus, foreign media representatives who came to East Zangezur and Karabakh, which were freed from occupation, saw with their own eyes all the atrocities, destroyed cities and villages committed by Armenians there for many years, and they accurately and honestly reach the world with the real situation. This, without a doubt, overturns all the lies and misinformation of the Armenians and their patrons about the region.”


Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, the participation of the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the opening ceremony of the Forum and answering the questions of local and foreign journalists once again showed that he is always open to the press and fully supports the development of this field: “It is not for nothing that the Azerbaijani press today has developed comprehensively, more than 5 thousand media entities operate in our country. Provision of one-time assistance to the mass media, work done in the direction of strengthening the social protection of media workers, as well as decrees on awarding honorary titles to media members are part of the care provided to the media and media workers. “Also, provision of housing for journalists, cancellation of debts to publishers of newspapers and magazines are clear examples of support for the press in our country.”

“President Ilham Aliyev, who answered the journalists’ questions of various content with his deep knowledge, broad intelligence, iron logic and coherent arguments, comprehensively commented on the processes taking place in the region, in the region, and in the world, showed the place and role of Azerbaijan in the world, and explained its importance. He proved that our country is an extremely important country and a reliable partner for the world, as well as a supporter of peace and stability. Of course, our country achieved all these successes thanks to the wise leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. He ensured the sustainable economic development of our country, implemented effective projects, and made Azerbaijan the leading state of the region. It was under his leadership that our invincible army rescued our nation from the vortex of defeat by ending the 30-year occupation, and our territorial integrity and sovereignty were ensured. The importance of the projects initiated by President Ilham Aliyev is more evident today and plays the role of a savior in the energy crisis Europe is facing. Also, Mr. Ilham Aliyev’s work as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, his fair position, made him a leader in the eyes of the international community. Therefore, the head of our state is invited to the events of regional and international organizations on any topic, his opinions and suggestions are received, and his speeches and initiatives about the future of the world are welcomed with interest. The participation of our President at the Shusha Global Media Forum is also in the center of attention of the world media, articles are published on the main points of his speech, and his valuable opinions are analyzed,” said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.

The Chairman of ATUC added that at the Shusha Global Media Forum new tools in journalism and communication in the digital age, digital transformation, media management in the modern information environment and creation of sustainable media business models, consumer trends in new media and media literacy, methods of combating disinformation and fake news, safety of journalists and other issues related to discussions, proposed proposals and conclusions will make important contributions to the development of world media.