Meeting of ATUC Executive Committee held


On July 19, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) was held.

Opening the meeting, the chairman of ATUC, MP Sattar Mohbaliyev informed the agenda about the work plan of the Executive Committee and apparatus of ATUC for the II half-year of 2023, preparation and holding of a report-election campaign in member organizations in 2024, amending the composition of the ATUC Assembly, approving a new composition and chairman of the Youth Council, as

Speeches were made on the issues on the agenda, opinions and suggestions were made, discussions were held. By the decision of the Executive Committee, a new composition of the Youth Council was approved and Gara Agayev was elected chairman of the Council. Other issues were also put to the vote and adopted.

At the end, ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev recommended the implementation of regular awareness-raising measures to ensure occupational safety, safety equipment, industrial sanitation, creation of healthy and safe working conditions, minimization of accidents, industrial injuries, occupational diseases, observance of rules and norms on Occupational Safety.

The chairman of the Confederation also said that all appeals addressed to trade unions should be investigated in depth, all problems raised should be resolved in a timely manner in accordance with the legislation, and citizen satisfaction should be fully ensured.

Bringing to attention the sensitive approach to the appeals of the families and parents of martyrs, veterans, veterans, S.Mohbaliyev stressed that this is a sacred duty of all of us.

The chairman of ATUC also gave a number of instructions on Organization of rest, treatment of employees, protection and strengthening of their health, ensuring the right to leave provided for this purpose, creating conditions for more efficient and meaningful Organization of rest during the vacation period.