Kazakhstan’s membership in the ITUC was restored with the firm support of the AHIK


Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation of  (AHIK) expands its relations with trade unions of foreign countries, as well as relevant regional and international organizations, shows solidarity and closely participates in their events. The contributions of Azerbaijani trade unions to the development of the international trade union movement are always highly appreciated, and their rich experience is deeply studied.

At present, the Chairman of AHIK, Member of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev is the vice-president of both the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Confederation of General Trade Unions, and the Pan-European Regional Council, and plays an important role in the effective operation of all three institutions.

At the same time, AHIK stands in solidarity with countries friendly to Azerbaijan in all the organizations where it is represented, and constantly expresses its support to them. Recently, AHIK provided comprehensive assistance in restoring the membership of the Kazakhstan Trade Union Federation (KHTF) to ITUC.

In this regard, the chairman of the KHTF, Satybaldi Dauletalin, addressed a letter of thanks to the chairman of the AHIK, Sattar Mohbaliyev, and expressed his gratitude for his fraternal support.

It should be noted that the trade unions of Kazakhstan always show their commitment to the principles of social justice and decent work for workers of the ILO and the International Labor Organization, organize the protection of the labor, social, economic rights and legal interests of the members of the union at a high level and fulfill their duties properly. .