The winners of the mini-football tournament held among cultural workers were awarded


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the winners of the mini-football tournament held among the teams of the organizations belonging to the service area of the Trade Union Republican Committee of Culture Workers (MIHI RK) were awarded.

Zaur Hamidov, Chief of Staff of MIHI RK, who opened the event with his opening speech, spoke about the attention and care that Great Leader Heydar Aliyev showed to the field of sports. He said that Heydar Aliyev’s work in the sports life of our country is priceless. National Leader said, “Sport is the most important area for society. Everyone who does sports, even everyone who does regular physical education, becomes perfectly healthy.  In order to be healthy, it is not necessary to see a doctor, take medicine, or get an injection. Just exercise every day. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: I’ve loved sports since I was young, I’ve been doing it, and I’m still doing it today. That’s why I invite you all to do sports” are still valuable for every young person today. Z. Hamidov also congratulated the winning teams and wished success in their future activities.

Chingiz Ibrahimov, labor technical inspector of MIHI RK, stated that the tournament was organized within the framework of sports rules and took place in an interesting and highly competitive environment. He then presented the winners to the participants: the first place was won by the team of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, the second place was won by the team of the Association of Sports Organizations of Azerbaijan Trade Unions, and the third place was won by the team of the “Azerbaijan Television and Radio Broadcasting” Closed Joint Stock Company. In the end, the winning teams were given medals, cups and cash prizes.