The essence of the National Liberation Day is the current mighty Azerbaijan


“At the heart of every developed, strong and majestic state is the leading factor. It is the strategy determined by these people that serves as the foundation of the state from its creation to the peak of its development, no matter how the period changes, it does not lose its essence, meets all modern challenges, ensures the happiness of its people and the power of its state. Those people are broad-minded, comprehensively developed, deeply versed in the psychology of their people, who love it with great love and are able to lead it with their backs.

Only then it is possible to achieve the goals set for the sake of the country and the people. It is because Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of our people, has these qualities that he was able to establish the modern state of Azerbaijan, whose fame has spread all over the world today.”

 Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, from the moment the Great Leader started his activity at a young age, he lived with national feelings, thought about his people, spent his meaningful and glorious life on this path: “Heydar Aliyev had done important work in the life and history of our people until June 30-the day of National Salvation, which we are now celebrating 15th anniversary. The desire to see his homeland and people free and Happy came at the forefront of all his political activities. Even the strictest prohibitions of the Soviet empire could not alienate him from these aspirations. I would like to note that during his work in the Security Committee, he tried to protect the national interests of the Azerbaijani people, to save their free-thinking sons and daughters from unjustified persecution, and attached special importance to ensuring the development of national identity and national consciousness.

Under his leadership, Azerbaijan has always developed and achieved the set goals. Everyone knows the situation in our republic when he became the leader of Soviet Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, known only as an agrarian country, turned into a developed industrial country in a short period of time. There was no area that was left out of his attention, including trade unions. Of course, we cannot stop counting the successes achieved by our republic under Heydar Aliyev’s leadership during that period. But the main point that I drew attention to at that time was the bright lamp that the Great Leader, with foresight, put on the path of Azerbaijan’s independence. He was sure without hesitation that the people of Azerbaijan will never come to terms with slavery, this people will definitely be free one day. That’s why Heydar Aliyev, relying on the indomitable will of his people, took strategic steps and prepared Azerbaijan for independence even in the most difficult times.

“At that time, science and education were one of the main areas Heydar Aliyev paid attention to. He knew very well that if the society is educated and knowledgeable, it will definitely develop and be successful. For this reason, Heydar Aliyev sent more than 15,000 Azerbaijani students to study at advanced universities of the USSR and trained highly qualified specialists. The reason why our country did not face difficulties in terms of professional specialists and strong personnel after independence was the attention paid to the field of education at that time. The Great Leader also created the Military High School named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski, and the training of national officers began. A person who is more or less familiar with the Soviet era understands well that this was a bold step for that time, and no one would risk taking on such a responsible job. Only a genius like Heydar Aliyev, who thought about the future of his people and dedicated his life to his Motherland, could do it,” said the deputy of the Milli Majlis.

Sattar Mohbaliyev noted that during the events of January 20, 1990, the Great Leader did not leave his people alone, despite the bans and obstacles, he came to the Permanent Representation of Azerbaijan in Moscow and accused the organizers of the tragedy in front of the world community: “This was an extremely brave step for that time. . The Great Leader once again showed that he is always with his people, he is in solidarity with them, he is with his people in difficult times and in happy days. Heydar Aliyev also directed the national liberation struggle of the people while living in Nakhchivan. In July 1990, he spoke at a rally held in Nakhchivan’s “Azadlig” square and called on the people to fight to the end for freedom and independence. In addition, under his chairmanship, the Nakhchivan parliament made historic decisions to remove the words “Soviet Socialist” from the name of the Autonomous Republic, and to accept the tricolor flag as the national flag.

“The first years of our independence are recent history, we remember it well. It was a terrible picture, Azerbaijan turned into a toy State, illegal armed groups were arbitrariness, chaos and anarchy covered all sides. We were in danger of losing our independence and disintegrating our country. On the one hand, the aggressive Armenian state continued to occupy our lands. It can be said that the people were in an unbearable situation and were looking for a way out. In such conditions, the wise decision of our people was Heydar Aliyev. Our people sincerely believed in Heydar Aliyev’s experience and political skills.

With the arrival of Heydar Aliyev from Nakhchivan to Baku, the foundation was laid for the people to get rid of the situation they were in. Relying on his people, the Great Leader saved Azerbaijan in a short time and realized the dreams of our people. The result is today’s mighty Azerbaijan: the leader of the region, an Azerbaijan that has a say in the world. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continued the political course of the Great Leader, further strengthened our state, strengthened its independence, and completed Heydar Aliyev’s unfinished business with great professionalism. Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh were freed from Armenian occupation under his command, and Azerbaijan became a victorious state. Today, every representative of our people lives happily and peacefully in their homeland”, added the chairman of ATUC.