Pakistan is known for its fair position in the world


“We can say without hesitation that Pakistan is one of the closest friends of Azerbaijan in the world today. This country has always supported Azerbaijan. First of all, let me mention that Pakistan is one of the first countries to recognize the independence of our country, establish diplomatic relations and open an embassy in Baku. He has always had sincere relations with us, supported Azerbaijan’s Just Cause and defended its fair position at the international level. Moreover, precisely because he invaded the territory of Azerbaijan, did not establish diplomatic relations with Armenia and did not officially recognize the aggressor country as a state. This is the embodiment of the fact that the state policy of Brotherly Pakistan is based on truth and Justice.”

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, we cannot forget the great support of Pakistan in the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with the brilliant Victory of Azerbaijan, and he declared that he was officially with Azerbaijan: “The mass media of this country provide information about the progress of the war almost every day, the truth they conveyed to the country and the world community.

Every Azerbaijani feels this brotherly support, as a sign of gratitude for this, the flag of Brotherly Pakistan was flown with our flag everywhere in our country.

We can say with certainty that Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations have taken a constantly rising path of development by covering many fields, these relations have become a priority in the foreign policy of both countries, and have both bilateral and multilateral character.

“Let’s admit that the tension in the world has increased significantly, the complexity of the processes is deepening, and new alliances and blocs are emerging. At such a moment, the development of our relations with Pakistan, which has great military power and is expanding its economic opportunities, is extremely important.This, of course, implies the development of relations in these areas, and the potential for this is much higher,” the MP said.

“As for the military exercises, the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, especially noted the importance of this, and it is planned to increase the number of exercises. It is known that the military of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Pakistan regularly conduct exercises and improve their combat capabilities.

Of course, this is of particular importance in the modern era in terms of increasing the defense power of our states, protecting independence and territorial integrity, and ensuring security, – said the chairman of the ATUC.