A seminar on “The role of the mediation institute in resolving labor relations” is being held in Baku


A seminar on “the role of the mediation Institute in resolving labour relations” was organized by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC) in Baku.

Experts of the International Labor Organization (ILO) – Harry Taliga and Sander Vaikma, as well as representatives of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, held by local experts, are participating in the seminar.

Namig Huseynov, head of analytical research department on cultural and domestic problems of ATUC, spoke about the goals and objectives of the seminar, the essence of mediation, the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “on Mediation”, the mission of mediation in social and labor relations and the role of trade unions in this direction.

He said that, based on experience, mediation and negotiations are the most effective choice for the successful resolution of the conflict in working conditions: “first of all, mediation helps to resolve conflict situations with the best result for each of the parties, and to independently conclude mutually beneficial contracts. In addition, the introduction of conciliation procedures leads to a reduction in the burden on the judicial system as a whole. There are great prospects for the elimination of labor conflicts in Azerbaijan with the help of intermediaries.”

According to him, the settlement of disputes by alternative means outside the court, that is, through intermediaries and negotiations, avoids large volumes of organizational and technical costs, eliminates the waste of time: “as for the forms of alternative ways of resolving labor conflicts, arbitration and the arbitration court are considered the most efficient method. But, unfortunately, arbitration practice is of little use. Therefore, it is too early to talk about the full development of this alternative form of resolving disputes and conflicts.”

Then the workshop began its work. Experts on the subject gave detailed explanations to the participants about international labor norms, collective labor relations and ILO tools in this direction, types of collective labor conflicts, ways to resolve them, extrajudicial settlement of disputes, voluntary reconciliation, as well as the role of mediation in conflicts and disputes arising in labor conditions and its effective consequences.

Presentations on the topic were also held, discussions were held, questions of interest to the participants were answered, opinions and suggestions were heard.

It should be noted that the workshop will last two days.