The will of the people and democracy triumphed in Turkey


“The parliamentary elections held in Turkey, as well as both rounds of the presidential elections, once again showed the deep-rooted democracy in the country. And it proved that the Turkish society is extremely democratic, the citizens of this country have a high political culture. From the beginning of preparations for the elections to the end of the process, all work was done within the framework of the law and on democratic principles, equal opportunities were created for political blocs and parties, candidates, and our Turkish brothers made their choices freely. The activity of the voters also indicates the responsibility of the citizens of the country, their love for the state and the motherland. In general, both the process of conducting the elections and its results give us reason to say that democracy and justice have triumphed in the brotherly country.”

Chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), MP Sattar Mohbaliyev said in his statement to mass media.

According to him, not a single spatial international political circle could influence the will of the Turkish people: “the citizens of the Fraternal country chose progress, development, stability, tranquility. Over the past 20 years, Turkey has passed a great path of development and gained a high reputation in the world. We can say with confidence that at present Turkey is an important aspect of world politics and has taken its place among the leading states. And his military power is indisputable. In recent years, important steps have been taken to strengthen the military defense potential. The domestic military industry of the fraternal country already meets 80 percent of the Army’s needs for ammunition, which is a fairly high figure. He also dazzles his enemies with unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned combat aircraft and tanks produced by him. In addition, the production of ships, helicopters and cars has also begun. By their choice, the Turkish people proved to the whole world that they achieved these successes thanks to Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”

“Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has always supported Azerbaijan in all matters and demonstrated solidarity. At the same time, his merits in the rise of relations between the two countries to this peak and the expansion of relations are undeniable. By the way, from the first hours of the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with the victory of Azerbaijan, we began to receive messages of support from the fraternal country. The Turkish President personally stated that we are with Azerbaijan. This moral support added strength to the strength of Azerbaijan. He was as happy about our victory as we were, repeatedly came to our country, participated in the victory parade, opening ceremonies of airports in Fizuli and Zangilan. This is just an example of unselfish Brotherhood. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan also made a significant contribution to the rapprochement, solidarity and organization of Turkic-speaking countries,” the MP said.

“We can say with great pride that under the leadership of our esteemed President Ilham Aliyev and president of the brotherly country Recep Tayyip Erdogan, two Turkish states – Azerbaijan and Turkey-have a great say in the world, occupy a special place in the system of international relations, and their flags fly majestically in front of the most authoritative regional and international organizations. At the same time, the influence of both countries on a global scale allows them to take an active part in solving global issues and become intermediaries in eliminating complex and tense processes. These are the realities of today. We firmly believe that even greater successes and achievements of Azerbaijan and Turkey in all spheres are yet to come. This confidence has been sealed by our peoples with wise decisions and correct choices,” the chairman of the ATUC emphasized.