Azerbaijan has taken the path of irreversible development and is confidently moving towards greater achievements


“The large-scale improvement and construction works carried out in Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh are continuing rapidly. The main goal is for residents to return to their ancestral homes as soon as possible. For this, our state uses all its potential. They are building the most modern villages, settlements, and cities in a large area that was completely destroyed at the expense of their own internal capabilities, without receiving help from anyone. Of course, the realization of these works requires great strength, and Azerbaijan is able to cope with this at the highest level. Construction works cover almost the entire region. As soon as the demining of an area is completed, construction work begins without delay. The Great Return, which started from Cojug Marjanli, was also successfully implemented in the villages of Agali and Talish. Residents returned home with great joy. And we believe that in the near future, the Great Return program will be successfully completed, and all residents will live happily ever after on their land. The head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who regularly visits the region, personally supervises the reconstruction of Karabakh. On May 8, our President, who once again went to the peak of our Victory – Shusha, got acquainted with the ongoing works and participated in the groundbreaking and opening ceremonies.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

Addressing the people of Azerbaijan from Shusha on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, President Ilham Aliyev spoke about the historical services of the National Leader. We can definitely say that Heydar Aliyev is one of the greatest personalities in the history of Azerbaijan. He went down in our glorious history with the establishment of a fully independent state. Very few people in the history of the world have achieved this, and Heydar Aliyev’s name is among them. Owning a state is the dream of every nation, the Great Leader made our people realize their dream by successfully executing this mission. Today, the state he founded occupies a unique place on the world map with its power and importance. Another service of the Great Leader is to give our people a worthy successor after him. Mr. Ilham Aliyev continued the political course authored by the Great Leader with dignity in all areas, formed a victorious, invincible state with a strong economy on the foundations he defined. Our President also fulfilled the will of the Great Leader by liberating Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh from the invaders, and fully ensured the sovereignty of our state in the entire territory of our country,” said the Chairman of the ATUC.

According to him, our esteemed people, regardless of where they live in the world, solemnly celebrate the Great Leader’s birthday every year and show deep respect to his dear memory: “This time, the birthday of Heydar Aliyev – the 100th anniversary was celebrated by our people with great enthusiasm, meetings, concerts were organized. This is an indication of the great love and infinite love of the people for the National Leader. This year is also the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”. The events that started at the beginning of the year will continue successfully until the end of the year. Azerbaijani trade unions have prepared and are implementing a plan of measures in this regard. I reminded that the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan sent gifts to 7000 families on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader. Also, sports competitions and competitions are held by field trade unions, meetings are organized, and the rich heritage of the Great Leader is promoted.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev drew attention to one more point in President Ilham Aliyev’s address: “Our head of state said that there are countries where no representative of another nation can live. Indeed, for an example, let’s not go too far, it is enough to look at Armenia. Today, it is impossible to meet representatives of other nationalities in Armenia, because they do not allow them to live in that country, they are fascist in character and have treacherous thoughts. But unlike them, members of different nations and religions have been living as a friendly family in Azerbaijan for hundreds of years, an exemplary environment of coexistence based on mutual respect and trust exists in our country, and ethnic-cultural diversity is preserved. Also, Azerbaijan contains all manifestations of democracy, human rights and freedoms are ensured at the highest level.”

The member of the Milli Majlis confidently expressed that Azerbaijan has taken the path of irreversible development under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev and is confidently moving towards greater achievements.