In 2022, 97.1% of appeals to trade unions were resolved positively – Executive Committee


On April 14, a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan was held.

The chairman of AHIK, deputy of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, added to the agenda of the meeting “Statistical report of trade union organizations for 2022”, “Analysis of applications and complaints received by AHIK and member organizations during 2022”, “Azerbaijan Labor and Social Affairs in 2022″ The results of the training of trade union personnel and activists in the courses of the Academy of Relations and the educational plan for 2023”, “The main indicators of the activity and statistical reports of sports organizations of Azerbaijan trade unions at the end of 2022”, “Gender of Azerbaijan trade unions in 2022 statistics”, the results of the 2022 republic competition held under the motto “The best enterprise (organization) of the year for the creation of healthy and safe working conditions”, as well as other current and organizational issues.

During the discussion of the issues, it was reported that 162,078 applications and complaints were received by the Azerbaijani trade unions last year. 97.1% of appeals were resolved positively. Also last year, 248 trade union members were accepted by the leaders of ATUC. 47 of them were received by the Chairman of the Confederation and all the issues raised were positively resolved. 132 out of 222 appeals received by trade unions regarding reinstatement were resolved positively. Also, 32 letters of thanks were addressed to ATUC.

At the meeting, the heads of the member organizations were advised to objectively and comprehensively examine the letters received from the members of the trade union, to provide assistance in solving the issues raised in exchange for confirming the facts, to increase the responsibilities of the relevant departments or specialists in relation to informing the complainants, and to strengthen the control over the issues of clarifying the reasons for repeated appeals.

It was also reported at the meeting that 575 workers and activists of trade unions attended the courses organized at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations in 2022. In 2023, it is planned to attract 701 people to the courses of the Academy.

It was reported at the meeting that 14,202 trade union organizations including 1,102,484 trade union members, including 60 united and 501 city and district committees, operate in 27 trade unions that are members of ATUC. The number of trade union members increased by 0.05% last year compared to 2021, and 44 new first trade union organizations were established in 8 fields. Last year, 122 agreements and 11,746 collective agreements were concluded with employers.

It was noted that more than 2,150 enterprises and organizations participated in the competition for the title “The best enterprise of the year in the field of creating healthy and safe working conditions – 2022”, and 48 of them won.

Later, discussions were held on other issues on the agenda, including current and organizational issues, and relevant decisions were made.

In the end, ATUC chairman Sattar Mohbaliyev recommended the implementation of regular educational measures for the purpose of labor protection, safety equipment, industrial sanitation, creation of healthy and safe working conditions, minimization of accidents, industrial injuries, occupational diseases, compliance with rules and norms on labor protection.

The chairman of the confederation also said that all appeals addressed to the trade unions should be thoroughly investigated, all the problems raised should be resolved in time in accordance with the legislation, and citizen satisfaction should be fully ensured.

S.Mohbaliyev stressed that it is the sacred duty of all of us to approach the appeals of the families and parents of martyrs, veterans, and veterans with sensitivity.