Azerbaijan makes important contributions to the further strengthening of the Organization of Turkic States


“The head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who put national interests above all else during his entire political activity, is today known in the world as the author of important regional and international initiatives. His work as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement during the pandemic and its positive results will be the subject of discussion by the international community for many years to come. Today, wars are taking place in the world, peace and stability are under threat, and a new world order is being formed. At such a moment, the views expressed by our President on various international platforms and the initiatives he has put forward are extremely highly valued for the future of the world and show that he is among the world leaders. Also today, the world is in the midst of a severe energy crisis. As acknowledged,

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (AHIK), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

“Also, let’s note that President Ilham Aliyev is doing important work in deepening relations between Turkic-speaking countries, organizing and demonstrating solidarity. Today, we can proudly say that the Organization of Turkish States (TST) has become a regional power center and its influence on international political processes is increasing. As we know, on March 16, the Extraordinary Summit of the Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States on “Disaster-Emergency Management and Humanitarian Aid” took place in Ankara. The event took place directly on the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev. In connection with the devastating earthquake in the brotherly country, our head of state once again demonstrated his support for the brotherly country. This is also a manifestation of mutual support and respect in the Turkish world,” said the deputy of Milli Majlis.

According to him, in his speech at the Extraordinary Summit, the head of state informed about the aid sent from Azerbaijan to the brotherly country in connection with the earthquake: “Of course, this support is an indication of gratuitous brotherhood. From the first day, Azerbaijan stood by the brotherly country, showed solidarity, aid was sent to the disaster zone with airplanes and car convoys, rescuers and doctors were sent. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation also delivered aid to those who were damaged by the earthquake on the instructions of the President of the organization, Mehriban Aliyeva. This noble mission is continued by the Foundation even today. Also, our citizens were very active in this matter, brought things to aid collection points, and collected donations. By the way, I remembered that The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan did not spare its support from the brotherly country. Thus, AHIK sent 10 container houses for homeless people in the earthquake zone. In addition, he transferred 500,000 manats to support the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, which continuously sends humanitarian aid to earthquake victims.

“In his speech, our head of state also brought to the attention of the heads of state of Turkic-speaking countries the situation in the region, including the fact that Armenia has not yet fully withdrawn its troops from the territories of Azerbaijan, the presence of illegal Armenian groups in Karabakh, and the fact that it has evaded its obligations regarding the opening of the Zangezur corridor. Of course, Armenia, which signed the act of capitulation as a defeated country, must fulfill its obligations. They should understand that the President of Azerbaijan has expressed a principled position on all these issues. Thus, the head of our state invited Armenia to peace for many years, but the consequences of the occupying country’s refusal to do so are well known. That’s why they should draw a deep lesson from the events and fulfill their obligations,” the chairman of AHIK stressed.

Sattar Mohbaliyev noted that the discussions held at the summit, the decisions taken, as well as the Ankara Declaration and the signing of the Protocol on the establishment of the civil defense mechanism will expand cooperation between Turkic-speaking countries, strengthen solidarity, which will create conditions for the TDT to become a stronger and more influential organization.