Azerbaijan is doing important work for peace and stability in the world


“Azerbaijan’s foreign policy strategy, built on the principles of an absolutely independent, balanced and equal partnership based on national interests, strengthens our country’s position in the system of international relations and steadily increases its authority.

We can say with confidence that Azerbaijan, which has become a significant power in the region, also makes a significant contribution to peace and security on a global level and comes up with extremely important initiatives. From this point of view, the countries of the world attach special importance to the establishment and expansion of relations with our country. Also, at the moment of increasing global tension and an acute crisis, the Savior mission of Azerbaijan, as well as its contribution to ensuring the energy security of the world, is one of the most discussed topics recently by international experts and political figures.”

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.


“Azerbaijan is also known today as a center where the problems that concern the world are discussed. At present, following the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Baku, the X Global Baku Forum on the theme “the world today: challenges and hopes” is being held. The theme of the event held under the patronage of the head of State Mr. Ilham Aliyev and organized by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center is quite relevant as the previous ones. The participation of 4 Presidents, 2 Prime Ministers, 6 speakers and ministers, the heads of 5 UN agencies, 25 former presidents, 21 former prime ministers, 23 deputy foreign ministers of 61 countries, as well as up to 360 representatives from a total of countries shows the growing interest in this platform every year. Like the previous forums, we believe that this year’s Forum will be important in terms of in – depth study of the difficulties faced by mankind, identification of solutions and delivery to the world community,” the deputy of the Milli Majlis said.

“During his speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum, President Ilham Aliyev once again proved how important Azerbaijan is for the world by bringing to the attention of the participants the approach of our country to the processes taking place in the world, the steps taken in the context of the global crisis and the work done during the pandemic. The head of state also showed facts about Armenia’s long-standing occupation policy, its bitter consequences, as well as Azerbaijan’s commitment to negotiations to eliminate the occupation, which did not bring any results, and the inevitability of a war. The Forum participants are influential former heads of state and government, well-known international experts and rich-minded people. Of course, their awareness of this will allow the new realities and just position of Azerbaijan in the region to reach the world community,” said Sattar Mohbaliyev.

The chairman of the ATUC noted that, in general, the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev always calls on the countries of the world to peace, stability and justice with his thoughts and initiatives voiced from the international tribunes.


According to him, the work done by our president as the chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement has formed a positive image of Azerbaijan in the world: “let’s not go too far, the steps taken on a global scale during the pandemic are enough to see the fair position of the president of Azerbaijan. In addition to his country, he works diligently for the future of other countries, including humanity.”