President Ilham Aliyev honored the employees of AHIK – ORDER


Employees of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan were awarded. President Ilham Aliyev signed an order in this regard.
By order, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, the following persons were awarded for their services in the development of the trade union movement in the country:

With the Order of “Labor” of the 3rd degree
Akhundova Esmira
Aliyev Ilgar
Asadov Mubariz
Huseynova Sevda
Süleymanova Gultekin
With the “Progress” medal
Agayev Karim
Agayev Seyfeddin
Aghayeva Afruz
Babayev Alim
Boroyeva Khamisat
Akbarova Hokuma
Aliyev Abdul
Farzaliyeva Gulnara
Hasanli Gadir
Khalilov Javanshir
Ismailov Vakil
Nabiyeva Nazakat
Nurullayev Nazim
Pasha Tanriverdi
Rahimova Adila
Shabanova Samaya
Taghiyev Bakhtiyar