Healthcare workers held an event on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of ATUC


In connection with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), an event was held by the Republican Committee of the Azerbaijan Health Workers Trade Union. Employees of the Republican Committee, members of the Presidium, chairpersons of trade union councils of district health workers of Baku, trade union committees of large medical organizations and trade union activists participated in the event. First, the dear memory of our martyrs who heroically died for the Motherland was commemorated with a minute of silence. The Deputy Chairman of the Republican Committee, Javid Mammadov, spoke about the history of trade unions, their path of development, their functions, and their role in the development of society. Other speakers talked about the work done by trade unions in protecting labor rights, creating decent working conditions for workers, and organizing their rest.