Employees of the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency were awarded


An event devoted to the results of the last year was held at the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency. The chairman and employees of the United Trade Union Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture participated in the event.

Chairman of Agrarian Credit and Development Agency Seymur Movlayev spoke about the attention and care given to agriculture in our country and the favorable conditions created for farmers. He said that the Agency constantly supports the development of the agricultural sector and the activities of farmers in the direction of increasing employment in rural areas.

Fuad Mammadov informed about the protection of the rights of the workers, provided by the labor law, ensuring their social and economic interests, awarding honorary decrees and awards to the advanced workers. He noted that the protection of workers’ rights, their health, organization of rest and other issues will continue to be the focus of the colleagues’ organization and we will try to fulfill our duties in this field.