The main issue on the agenda of the V Assembly of the Republican Committee of Healthcare Workers Trade Union was called: “In the post-war period, the support of the Healthcare Workers Trade Union to the social security of families of martyrs, war disabled and war participants”


The main issue on the agenda of the V Assembly of the Republican Committee of Healthcare Workers Trade Union was called:

“In the post-war period, the support of the Healthcare Workers Trade Union to the social security of families of martyrs, war disabled and war participants”

Emin Afandiyev, the Chairman of the Republican Committee, who opened the event with his opening speech, first gave a brief information about the heroism of our Army in the battles fought under the command of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev during the Patriotic War. He said that our state highly appreciates the sacrifice of brave men who sacrificed their lives and health for the integrity of our land, and is doing great things to perpetuate their victory. By the decree of the President of the Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev on December 2, 2020, September 27 was declared “Memorial Day”. On the 3rd of the same month, November 8 was established as “Victory Day” on the day of the recapture of Shusha. Thousands of warriors were awarded orders, medals, and honorary titles. Large-scale social support measures were implemented for war participants, war disabled people, and families of martyrs. 93,000 people were assigned a Presidential grants, social benefits, and social payment in the form of pension. Among those who received payment, 7,979 were family members of martyrs, 2,935 were war disabled, and 81,856 were war veterans. 3,850 apartments and private residences were given to family members of martyrs and war disabled people, and 764 war disabled people were given cars. Also, 11,000 people, including family members of martyrs, war participants, civilians affected by Armenian terrorism, were involved in the active employment program, including 6,500 people in the self-employment program. 2,366 people are employed, 1,973 of them are war disabled, and the rest are members of martyrs’ families. In addition to state support, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is also doing exceptional work to improve the social well-being and health protection of the families of martyrs, war disabled people and war participants. Thus, on the initiative of the President of the Foundation, Mehriban Aliyeva, soldiers and officers wounded in battles were provided with high-tech prostheses, and the wounded in need were sent to the world’s most prestigious hospitals for treatment.

Emin Afandiyev also spoke about ATUC’s support to the participants of the Patriotic War and the families of the martyrs. He said that the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation sent a car convoy full of food to 76 cities and districts of the republic for 7900 families of martyrs and veterans in 2021 and 9565 in 2022. Financial resources were also allocated to the Council of Trade Unions of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic for sending gifts to families of martyrs and veterans living there. ATUC and its member organizations spent more than 10 million manats during and after the Patriotic War. 346 children of 202 martyrs were taken into custody until they reached the age of 18. Last year, 27 people were involved in the self-employment program and a small family farm was created for them. 14 of those people are family members of martyrs and war participants. In addition, on September 13-14, 2022, 32 children of 18 martyrs who died while preventing large-scale sabotage of the armenian armed forces were taken into custody. Thus, a family with one child will be paid 100 manats per month until the child turns 18, and a family with two or more children will be paid 200 manats until the child turns 18. The work carried out in this direction by the ATUC and its member organizations continues. Javid Mammadov, deputy chairman of the Republican Committee, delivered a broad report on the issue on the agenda. He proudly noted that the medical workers who became armed soldiers from the first days of the Patriotic War, their trade union was with our army and considered it their civic duty to contribute to our victory. In the battle trenches and hospitals, the medical workers saved the lives of hundreds of our soldiers, tirelessly performed their duties day and night. Employees of the field trade union worked under the motto “everything for the front, everything for victory”. Employees of the Republican Committee of Healthcare Workers Trade Union worked on the basis of a daily shift schedule, collected information about daily work from member organizations, and provided financial assistance to organizations in need. During the Patriotic War and post-war period, the Republican Committee and its member organizations spent more than 4 million manats on support funds and events.

During the Patriotic War, the Republican Committee donated approximately 20,000 manats worth of medical equipment to the central hospitals of 16 cities and districts, including Goranboy, Yevlakh, Beylagan, Aghjabedi, Fuzuli, Khojavand, Tartar, Barda, Aghdam, Shamkir and Mingachevir. In the post-war period, the Republican Committee collected information about health workers whose families were martyrs, war disabled, and war participants. According to the collected data, 365 of our members are family members of martyrs, 92 are war disabled, and 518 are war participants.

Our members from this group were given material and food assistance by the member organizations, gifts and honorary certificates were given on holidays.

It was recommended by the Republican Committee, first of all, to organize the protection of the health of the families of martyrs, disabled people and war participants who are members of the trade union working in the field, and to provide them with discounted or free trips to sanatoriums and resorts. During 2021-2022, the families of martyrs, war disabled people and war participants were provided with 219 travel vouchers worth 127,349 manats by the member organizations. Of these, 17 travel vouchers worth 11,160 AZN were given to the families of martyrs, and 6 travel vouchers worth 1,020 AZN were given to war disabled people free of charge.

According to the “Employment Program”, with the support of regional trade union councils, employment contracts were concluded with 1 martyr’s family member in Yevlakh District Central Hospital, 4 in Yardimli, 1 in Gazakh, 1 in Gabala with war disabled persons. The petitions and appeals received by the families of martyrs, war disabled people and war participants to the Republican Committee and member organizations were treated sensitively, and necessary assistance was provided to solve them if possible. In case of need, experts of the Committee have been sent to relevant institutions for on-site examination of applications and appeals. At the end of the report, it was said that the Republican Committee of the Health Workers Trade Union and its member organizations will continue to provide care and attention to the families of martyrs, war disabled and war participants, and support measures for the social security programs of these categories of persons will be implemented regularly.

In the end, a relevant decision was made. Javanshir Alkhasov, deputy chairman of ATUC, also participated in the work of the assembly.