Iran is directly responsible for the armed attack on our embassy in Tehran


“The armed attack on the embassy of Azerbaijan in Iran in the early hours of today is an unequivocally barbaric act of terrorism, the responsible parties must be exposed and punished.The responsible parties must be exposed and punished. It is also clear from the images of the incident that the Iranian state either poorly organized the security of the Azerbaijani embassy, or, in general, ignored its obligations under international law. It is known that similar events happen and are organized more often in the history of Iran.

 Sattar Mohbalıyev, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of parilament , expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, this incident is a treacherous attack against Azerbaijan, its people, our compatriots living in the south, as well as the civilized world, and must be condemned and accepted into action by international organizations and foreign countries: “As the country where the embassy is located, Iran should be directly responsible and an official response should be given to the Azerbaijani side. At present, various excuses are being used to hide the traces of the terrorist act, they are trying to dress the incident in a domestic dress. But this tragedy and bloody fact must be investigated, and the motives must be objectively revealed.”