Azerbaijan Trade Union successfully continue their activities for healthy working conditions and safe labor


Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) has played an important role in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions since its foundation.

A number of changes and amendments were made to the Labor and Tax Codes in order to bring legislative and regulatory acts into line with international standards.Certain amendments have been made to the Labor Code regarding the work and rest regime of employees, the regulation of the number of employees for the organization of labor protection service, and the issue of work breaks in hot and cold weather conditions.Draft laws on “Technical safety” and “On compulsory insurance in cases of loss of professional labor capacity as a result of accidents and occupational diseases” proposed by ATUC were adopted.The “list of industries with harmful, severe and underground working conditions for providing workers with free medical and preventive nutrition, milk and similar products” was adopted.For ATUC and its member organizations, social dialogue is considered the most important form in protecting the socio-economic rights of workers. ATUC succeeded in creating a dialogue with the state and employers, contributed to the new system of social-labor relations, civilized social partnership work. The basis of cooperation is the General Collective Agreement. In order to achieve the main goals in the field of labor safety and sanitation, it is planned to adopt the “National Strategy for labor safety and sanitation in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, and to prepare and develop the draft law “On Labor Protection”.The issues of labor protection, creation of healthy and safe working conditions are regularly discussed in the Assemblies and meetings of the Executive Committee of ATUC. Books, methodical materials, brochures and posters on labor protection have been prepared for republican committees, federations and trade union associations of 27 trade unions in the service of ATUC.

In order to more fully implement the functions of labor protection, the confederation, together with social partners, is actively working towards the ratification of ILO conventions in the country. The ILO Convention No. 155 “On Labor Protection and Hygiene”, which is of interest to Azerbaijan trade unions, was prepared, translated and discussed at the meeting of the Tripartite Commission on Socio-Economic Issues for ratification by the ATUC.Public control over the implementation of the action plan of the ATUC Executive Committee on strengthening the social protection of citizens affected by radiation as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been increased.

In the definition agreements and collective agreements concluded between field trade unions, the first trade union organizations and employers, clauses on providing sanatorium-resort trips to Chernobyl participants and their family members are provided for. Chernobyl participants suffering from various diseases in health centers under the control of the trade union undergo sanatorium-resort treatment once a year, and restore their health together with their family members in rest houses of the trade unions. During the past 30 years, the technical labor inspectors of the trade union, together with the public commissioners for labor protection, have carried out control and prevention work in enterprises, and have performed serious activities in the direction of improving working conditions in workplaces.

Since 1990, it has been holding competitions and actions dedicated to various topics. Starting from 2009, every year within the framework of World Labor Protection Day (April 28), the Republican review competition is held under the motto “The best enterprise (organization) of the year for creating healthy and safe working conditions”.

ATUC and its member organizations will successfully and more persistently continue their activities for healthy working conditions and safe labor in the future.