Martyrs’ families were visited


The Federation of Agricultural and Food Industry Workers Trade Union under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev constantly supports the family members and veterans of our martyrs who died in the battles for the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the liberation of Karabakh from occupation.

The families of martyrs under the Federation’s protection are always in the spotlight, they are visited on all holidays and significant days, and gifts and aid are distributed. On the occasion of “Day of Solidarity of  World Azerbaijanis” and “New Year” the head of the Federation – Rufat Burjaliyev, instructor-inspector of the financial department Farid Qasimov visited Agsu district, Mingechevir city and Gazakh district and visited the families of martyrs.

Speaking with the family members of the martyrs, the responsible employees of the Federation and the chairman of the Gazakh district committee of Field Trade Unions, Farhad Gojamanov, were interested in their concerns and listened to their problems.

On the eve of the holiday, holiday gifts were distributed to low-income families based on the requests received by the “Agriculture-Food-Work” Federation of Trade Unions.