A meeting was held with two metropolitan residents who experienced the pain of “January 20” night


In connection with the 33rd anniversary of the events of January 20, a meeting was held in the Metropolitan Employees Trade Union (METU). That terrible night was remembered again during the event with the participation of Suraj, the son of subway builder Aflatun Kazimov, who was martyred on that bloody night and was buried in Shahidler Khiyaban, and Mansur Gojayev, who was wounded by fire on civilians in the capital.

The Chairman of METU, Arif Mardanov, noted that the road leading to the freedom of the Azerbaijani people began that night, and noted that the innocent victims Aflatun Kazimov and Ilgar Garayev were also martyrs for a holy deed and will be remembered forever.

In the meeting, it was clearly demonstrated that the determination and will shown by our people that night was not just a coincidence even during the 30-year longing for Karabakh. The people who patiently waited for that day and believed in their leader demonstrated their unity and strength in the history of Victory, which was achieved in just 44 days.

During the friendly conversation, the Chairman of METU was interested in the work and social life concerns of the meeting participants and emphasized that the Chairman of “Baku Metropolitan” CJSC, the collective and the trade union will always support them.