ATUC donated a car to the Shusha City State Reserve Department in support of the improvement and construction works carried out in the city


The Shusha City State Reserve Department, which was established on June 22, 2021 by the order of President Ilham Aliyev, ensures the restoration, protection, study and use of monuments located in the city. Our historical and cultural monuments were looted in ancient Shusha, the cradle of our culture, which was under the enemy’s feet for thirty years. The Shusha History Museum, a branch of the State Carpet Museum, the Karabakh State History Museum, the Paleolithic Azikh cave, which is considered a world-important archaeological monument, and dozens of other historical monuments and mosques, with about five thousand exhibits, were looted, libraries were burned, and unique manuscripts were destroyed.

The Patriotic War, which began on September 27, 2020 and lasted for only 44 days, ended with the brilliant victory of Azerbaijan under the leadership of the President, the victorious Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev. At present, in East Zangezur and Karabakh, which have been freed from occupation, improvement and construction works are being carried out in a systematic and fast manner. Azerbaijan trade unions provide all kinds of support to the work done in this and other directions. It should be noted that during the 44-day Patriotic War and the subsequent period, 2 million 329 thousand 704 manats were spent on the Assistance Fund for the Armed Forces and the frontline, 669 thousand 876 manats were spent on the “YASHAT” Fund, and 1 million 218 thousand 200 manats were spent on the Karabakh Revival Fund.

It is known that Shusha City State Reserve Department is actively involved in reconstruction and restoration works in Shusha city. The Executive Committee of the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions (ATUC) handed over a “Mitsubishi” L200 car, worth 56,000 manats, to the Shusha City State Reserve Department in order to support the work done in the city. The trade unions of Azerbaijan will continue to provide all possible support for the complete restoration of our territories freed from occupation and for the residents to return to their ancestral homeland as soon as possible.