The report-plenum of the Trade Union of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was held


On December 26, 2022, the report-plenum of the Trade Union of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees dedicated to the results of 2022 was held.

Mehman Ismayilov, the Chairman of the Trade Union of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the chairmen of the trade union committee operating in the Ministry’s apparatus, regional centers and institutions took part in the annual report meeting.

In the plenum, Mehman Ismayilov, Chairman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, gave a comprehensive report on the work done in 2022.

The Chairman of the Union, Mehman Ismayilov, noted in his speech that during the past year, many events were carried out by the Union on national holidays, significant days and professional holidays of our republic. He said that this year, as in previous years, attention to war veterans and families of martyrs, meeting with soldiers and employees serving in liberated territories was one of the main priority tasks in the activities of the Union.

The speaker noted that a tree-planting action was held in Zangilan region in accordance with the total number of mothers of the martyrs of the 44-day Patriotic War and the total number of female employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the support of the Karabakh Revival Fund and the organization of the Trade Union of Ministry of Foreign Affairs employees.

It was emphasized that the family of the martyr of the Patriotic War, the employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shafiyev Rashad Vagif, was taken into consideration, and the payment of financial assistance in the amount of 300 manats to the two children of junior ensign Orkhan Hamidov, who were martyred during the April battles, was continued. Starting this month, the children of the martyred lieutenant Humbatov Ravil Mubariz will be taken into custody and will be given 200 manats of financial assistance every month until they reach the age of 18.

Mehman Ismayilov noted that with the support of the Union, “open door” days were held for the children of martyrs and veterans in the Aran, North-West and South Regional centers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gifts and honorary decrees were presented to the children of martyrs and veterans.

“On the occasion of June 26 – Armed Forces Day, 44 veterans and veterans from the city of Baku had a 5-day vacation at the family recreation center “Orman” located in Nabran. Within the framework of the program, various sports competitions were held and the winners were awarded with valuable prizes. Also, on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on June 26, an event was held in the ministry’s “N” military unit in Gabala with the participation of 44 veterans of the Patriotic War, and valuable gifts were presented to them.

A total of 150,000 manats of funds were transferred to the “YASHAT” and Karabakh Revival funds through the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation,” said M. Ismayilov.

Mehman Ismayilov also informed about the competitions held jointly with the State Fire Protection Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Sports and Health Club and the State Service for Control of Small Vessels and Water Rescue during the reporting period. It was emphasized that the employees of the Ministry were provided with trips to various sanatoriums and recreation centers for the purpose of treatment and recreation, members of the Union who had a low financial status, died, or due to the death of one of their family members, received financial assistance for the treatment of their own or a family member’s illness, 2022 Experienced employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who reached their jubilee years in

At the end of his speech, Mehman Ismayilov noted that he will continue to work diligently to solve all the tasks facing the Trade Union of MES employees, and will always help ensure the labor and social rights of its members.

After listening to the report, other annual current issues of the Union and the plan of actions adopted for 2023 were discussed, the proposals of the committee chairmen were listened to.