The 10th plenum of the Republican Committee of the Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers was held


On November 30, the 10th plenum of the Republican Committee of the Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers was held.

Opening the plenum, the chairman of the Republican Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fazail Bagirov congratulated all our people on the occasion of the second anniversary of the great victory won by the Azerbaijan Army as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev.

Then, the dear memory of our heroic sons, who were martyred in the Patriotic War, was commemorated with a minute’s silence.

Fatali Beimov, Head of the Socio-Economic Department of the Republican Committee, made a report on the issue on the agenda of the plenary session, “On the implementation of the Collective Agreement signed between the management of Azerbaijan Railways” Closed Joint Stock Company and the Republican Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2020-2022.

He said that the 10th plenum of the Republican Committee is being held on very significant days in the life of our country. November 8 – Victory Day, November 9 – National Flag Day, November 12 – Constitution Day, November 17 – National Revival Day and at the same time October 13 – Railway Workers’ Professional Day were solemnly celebrated as historic days in our country.

The sectoral collective agreement for 2020-2022 was signed with Azerbaijan Railways Closed Joint Stock Company and The Independent Trade Union Republican Committee of railway workers to ensure effective protection of social and economic rights and interests of railway workers, to develop mutual relations on the basis of social partnership principles, to regulate social-labor relations through social dialogue and collective agreements.

It was stated that labor relations with employees in the society are established by specifying the position of each employee in the labor contract and staffing table. Employment of employees is ensured according to their profession and qualifications. According to the relevant order of the chairman of the company, all available vacancies are posted on the relevant section of the corporate website of the JSC. Applications are made through the “Search” mechanism located in the “Vacancies” section of the “Career” section of the website. The employment contracts concluded with each employee of the company are terminated in the manner specified by only one of the grounds provided for in Articles 68, 69, 70, 73, 74 and 75 of the Labor Code.

In addition, according to the Agreement, information was provided regarding the fulfillment of obligations related to labor compensation, social development and guarantees.

It was also noted that the Republican Committee received a total of 1223 applications during the 10 months of 2022. Among them, 1111 applications were for financial assistance, 31 applications were related to housing issues, 45 applications were related to trips to sanatoriums, and 36 applications were related to other issues. Every application related to financial assistance was positively resolved, and applications related to other issues were answered accordingly.

In order to protect the health of workers, the Republican Committee issued 249 tickets to sanatoriums and rest homes to railway workers and their family members in the last period of the current year through the Confederation of Azerbaijan Trade Unions (ATUC).

In the plenum, detailed information was given about the work done in the direction of labor protection, ensuring safety, and the introduction of new technology.

Mushfiq Abasov , Chairman of the Infrastructure Department ITUC, Vagif Badalov, Chairman of the Passenger Transport Department ITUC, Mazahir Latifov , Chairman of the Locomotives Repair Department ITUC, and Elkhan Guliyev, spoke and expressed their opinions on the discussed issue.

Araz Asadli, a specialist of the Republican Committee of  Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers   read the draft decision of the plenum.

Javanshir Alkhasov, deputy chairman of ATUC, also spoke at the plenum. He said that the railway system is one of the most important sectors of the country’s economy, and our state pays great attention to this sector.