ILO conventions were discussed


On November 25, the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) held an event dedicated to the conclusion of the seminars on “Promotion of Conventions No. 155 and 187 of the International Labor Organization (ILO)” and “The role of trade unions in the implementation of Convention No. 105”.

The event organized at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations was attended by Gocha Aleksandriya , Chief Specialist of the ILO Moscow Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia , department heads of the ILO and members of member organizations.

First of all, Ali Jafarov , the deputy head of the department of ATUC, brought the program and topic of the seminar to the attention of the participants.

G.Aleksandriya gave detailed information about the essence of the ILO Convention No. 105 against forced labor, the necessity of its application, and the importance of the results to be achieved.

Then the department heads of the ATUC – Leyla Acalova and Namig Huseynov – reported on the results of the ILO seminars held in the regions of Azerbaijan on the abolition of forced labor, and the deputy head of the department Ali Madatov on the ILO No. 155 (On Labor Safety and Hygiene) and No. 187 ( Promotion framework for the occupational safety and health convention) gave a broad report on the promotion of conventions.

It was reported that ATUC has taken a number of measures related to the practical application of the convention on the abolition of forced labor, including organizing international and local meetings, wide-ranging discussions, seminars in the capital and regions, and educational work.

Regarding ILO Conventions No. 155 and 187, it was noted that the main principles and provisions of Convention No. 155 are provided for in Azerbaijani legislation, the convention was translated into Azerbaijani, reviewed by experts, and agreed with relevant state institutions. Social partners also supported the ratification of the convention by Azerbaijan.

The Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan considers it important to make additions and changes to legislation and normative acts in order to strengthen control and prevention measures aimed at ensuring labor safety in workplaces and to increase employers’ interest in ensuring a high level of labor protection in enterprises. It was emphasized that currently the work on the said convention is about to be finalized and it is expected to be ratified in the near future.

It was also stated that there is a legislative basis in Azerbaijan for the ratification of the Convention No. 187 (Incentive framework for the Convention on Occupational Safety and Health), for this research should be conducted, the experiences of countries in this field should be studied and relevant agreements should be reached for the provision of material and technical assistance.

Also, a National Program should be developed that includes priorities and means of action on labor protection and health, safe and healthy working conditions should be further improved, and social partners should be actively involved in this direction.

After the speeches, there was a wide discussion and exchange of ideas on the topics, opinions and suggestions were voiced.