A new period of development of Lachin district has begun


“The perfect, wise people of Azerbaijan, who wrote a great epic of heroism in forty-four days, revealed their identity once again in the modern era. He demonstrated his strength, power and dignity to the whole world. He said that the Motherland factor is the highest value for us, even death is sacred on this path. If we look at every page of the history of our people, we can realize how important the concept of the Motherland is for our people. The Patriotic War is the continuation of this glorious history, the honorable mission of the Azerbaijani people, its leader, heroic sons and daughters. The future generations will also deeply understand the essence of this history, written in only 44 days, and will protect their homeland and state from all threats, like their ancestors, and pass it on to the next generations. As you read this epic, you will see that the unity of the people is the root of their strength and power.

Sattar Mohbaliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC), member of the Milli Majlis, expressed these views to the mass media.

According to him, the invincible Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev dealt such a blow to the enemy in the Patriotic War that Armenia was forced to sign the act of capitulation, acknowledging the defeat and destruction of the occupying army: “Thus, on November 20, the occupied Aghdam region 73 percent of the territory, including the city of Aghdam, was handed over to Azerbaijan. On November 25, 147 settlements of the region, including the city of Kalbajar, were freed from occupation. On December 1, the city of Lachin and 126 settlements were returned to Azerbaijan. The enemy had been entrenched in those areas for many years, had built fortifications that he called “impenetrable”, but thanks to the courage, determination, and diplomatic skills of our head of state, he was released without a fight or loss. There was no doubt that

“The enemy’s vandalism has not escaped our regions either. For example, the atrocities committed by them in Agdam are inhumane, they destroyed everything they could see. During the occupation, dozens of historical and cultural monuments, 97 schools, 9 kindergartens, 116 libraries, 43 clubs, 42 cultural houses, history and local history museum, 9 hospitals, 75 medical centers, 23 outpatient clinics, 9 pharmacies, hundreds of administrative buildings, thousands of housing, hundreds of cars, equipment, etc. was looted, the region’s wealth worth billions of manats was transported to the aggressor country. Lachin district also faced the same situation. Hundreds of cultural, educational, healthcare institutions, 462 trade, 30 communication, 133 administrations and enterprises, 5 music schools, 1 boarding school, 1 secondary technical vocational school, 2 motor transport and various production enterprises were destroyed by the invaders. historical monuments were destroyed. All this shows the true face of Armenians, destructive, corrupting, treacherous character. Contrary to the principles of international law, they even carried out illegal settlements in Kalbajar and Lachin, and even changed their geographical names,” said the MP of the Milli Majlis.

“Currently, under the direct leadership of the head of our state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, construction works are being continued in East Zangezur and Karabakh systematically and in accordance with the plan. New roads are built, social facilities are built, infrastructure is created, residential buildings are built. The construction of Lachin International Airport, which is expected to open in 2025, is currently underway. In addition to increasing the international status of the region, it will boost socio-economic development, expand tourism opportunities, and also be an important contribution to the creation of logistics centers. It is known to everyone that our state realizes all these works without any external support, at the expense of its own financial resources. The point I mentioned once again confirms the strength and economic power of our country, – said the chairman of ATUC.


  1. Mohbaliyev noted that Azerbaijan, which has emerged victorious from the 30-year conflict, is working hard towards the normalization of relations and the signing of a peace treaty: “The main desire of our state is to ensure peace and security in the region, and to expand cooperation between the countries of the region. It is important for Armenia to appreciate this as well. They should understand that Azerbaijan is a strong state and has a big say in the region. Just as he overturned all their dirty intentions in the 30-year negotiations, he drew a line over the “Great Armenia” plan once and for all, and it will be the same in the future. For this, they should accept all the proposals put forward by Azerbaijan. Otherwise, it is well known how any provocation will end. We saw this on August 3 and September 12-13 this year.”