AHIK Executive Committee issued a statement


On November 5, the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC) was held in connection with November 8 – Victory Day.

The event began with a minute’s silence in memory of our dear sons and daughters who lost their lives in the success of the Motherland.

In his speech, the Chairman of ATUC, Member of the Milli Majlis, Sattar Mohbaliyev, spoke about the Victory achieved in the Patriotic War under the leadership of the victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, effective army building, the bitter consequences of the occupation, the unity of the people and the army, the perpetuation of the victory and the supreme attention paid to the participants of the war, to the veterans and the families of the martyrs. he talked about the care provided by the state.

S.Mohbaliyev also spoke about the activity of Azerbaijani trade unions during the war, the projects they implemented, the material and moral support they provided to the families of martyrs, veterans, and war veterans in the post-war period.

Other speakers spoke about the valor of the Azerbaijani military, the glorious war path, and the bravery they showed in the liberation of Shusha.

In the end, the statement of the Executive Committee of ATUC on November 8 – Victory Day was accepted.

 The statement reads:

“Two years have passed since the Azerbaijan Army under the leadership of the victorious Supreme Commander Mr. Ilham Aliyev liberated our lands occupied by the Armenian armed forces for almost 30 years, since the establishment of historical justice, and the restoration of the violated principles of international law. Thanks to the professional leadership skills, determination, steel will of our head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the heroic deeds of our brave and invincible Army, and the unshakable unity of our wise people, we crossed the glorious war path in just 44 days and reached a bright Victory. Today, Azerbaijan has strengthened its position in the world as a strong and victorious state. At present, the state of Azerbaijan is rebuilding the liberated cities, districts, and villages at the expense of its own power, and is carrying out development and construction works in a fast and planned manner. Unlike before, the region is now dominated by new realities, authored by Azerbaijan, which will stimulate the comprehensive development of the entire South Caucasus and the region in general. These are new tasks that will serve stability, security, mutual cooperation, and economic development, and it is extremely important for Armenia to come to terms with them so that they can live in peace. Azerbaijan strives for the normalization of relations, the signing of a peace treaty between the two countries, and impartial cooperation within the framework of national interests. The Armenian side must also understand the new realities that have arisen, put forth a concrete position, and adequately respond to the peace calls of the victorious Azerbaijan. All this should be done within the framework of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty, security, internationally recognized borders and territorial integrity.”


ATUC member organizations


Council of Trade Unions of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

“Service-Work” Federation of Trade Unions

“Agriculture-Food-Work” Trade Union Federation

“Metal-ish” Trade Union Federation

Aviation Employees Union

Road Transport and Road Workers Union

Municipal Employees Union

“Baku Steel Company” LLC Employees Trade Union Union

Union of State Departments and Public Service Employees

Independent Union of Railwaymen

Maritime Transport Workers Union

Trade Union of Workers of Electrical Power and Electrical Engineering Industry

National Academy of Sciences Free Trade Union

Union of Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Customs Workers Union Union

“Construction-Work” Trade Union

Defense Industry Workers Union

Cultural Workers Union

Metropolitan Employees Union

Oil and Gas Industry Workers Union

Transport, Communications and High Technology Workers Union

Entrepreneurship, Private Science and Light Industry Workers Union

Health Workers Union

Water Works Workers Union

Natural Resources and Environmental Workers Union

Education Workers Free Trade Union

Local Industrial and Utility Workers Union