The Azerbaijan Education Workers ‘ Free Trade Union Republican Committee and the Azerbaijan Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Association discussed future cooperation.


On October 12, a meeting was held between the Azerbaijan Education Workers ‘ Free Trade Union Republican Committee , a member of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, and the Azerbaijan women’s Entrepreneurship Development Association (AQSIA).  The meeting was attended by chairman of  the Azerbaijan Education Workers ‘ Free Trade Union Republican Committee   Araz Pashayev and the leadership of the Republican Committee, Chairman of the board of AQSIA Sakina Babayeva, more than 40 entrepreneurs operating in the education sector, representatives of consulting companies and other persons.Chairman of the Republican Committee Araz Pashayev spoke at the event, which began with a minute of silence in memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and gave detailed information about the work done by the organization and the historical development path.He noted that, the Republican Committee, which unites more than 400 thousand members in its ranks, is the largest public institution engaged in the protection of labor, social, economic rights and legitimate interests of education workers and students who are members of the Union.The organization operates in the fields of improving the working conditions of the union members, solving social problems, protecting labor rights, efficient organization of their leisure time and other areas.Noting that 68% of the Republican Committee members are women A. Pashayev said that the organization is also interested in creating trade union organizations in the enterprises led by entrepreneurians in ACSIA.Then the chairman of the board of AQSIA Sakina Babayeva gave information about the activities of the organization headed by her. She emphasized the importance of establishing trade union organizations in this area, touching on the challenges faced by women working in the private sector and engaged in entrepreneurial activity, their solutions, problems arising in the direction of development of women’s entrepreneurship.Then, at the meeting, a presentation was made on the activities of the Republican Committee and AQSIA. The event continued with discussions on future cooperation.

The participants ‘ questions were answered. Also, an agreement was reached between the participants to hold meetings with women entrepreneurs operating on separate stages of education in the coming weeks, to discuss the prospects for creating trade union organizations in these enterprises.