Sahib Mammadov:”the democratic environment in Azerbaijan opens up great opportunities for the free activity of trade unions”


“The main task of Azerbaijani trade unions is to protect the labor, social, economic rights and legal interests of their members. We are currently working hard to further improve our activities. The democratic environment established in Azerbaijan, the provision of human rights and freedoms at the highest level, opens wide opportunities for the effective activity of public organizations, including trade unions. Taking advantage of these opportunities, we are building our activities in the direction of adapting the working conditions of our citizens who are members of the union to advanced international standards, labor protection, creating healthy and safe working conditions, solving social problems and ensuring labor rights. We are also paying more attention to our members’ health, sanatorium, resort treatment, and organizing their rest. We are currently inspecting sanatoriums belonging to the Confederation, getting to know the situation on the spot. As you know, every year thousands of members of trade unions are provided with trips, all conditions are created for their normal treatment and rest. But let us also admit that with the current infrastructure, we cannot fully ensure the access of all our members to these services. For this, the current situation is being diagnosed, and we have involved Azerbaijan Investment Holding, as well as International Consulting – “Boston Consulting Group” and “McKinsey & Company” in this process, as well as foreign experience is being studied. We will try to equip the sanatoriums with more modern equipment, improve the material and technical base, and at the same time organize their management by Advanced International requirements and progressive methods.

In our meetings with the heads of trade unions, we specifically recommend the preservation of the principle of turnaround in the issuance of referrals. Because this opportunity should be used by all members of the Union who need it, and accessibility should be ensured.”

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, expressed these views to mass media.

According to him, the strengthening of the social protection of the members is also in the center of attention: “With the continuous socio-economic reforms implemented by the head of our country, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the progressive programs he adopted, the important decrees and orders issued in this direction, the material security of our people has increased many times. The wide financial opportunities of our state, which implements an independent economic policy, serve the direct interests of our people. In the last 5 years, the minimum wage has increased 2.7 times. Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, who participated in the first meeting of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan on September 23, stated that the minimum wage and minimum pension will be increased again from next year. Of course, this will have a serious impact on the social well-being of the union members.”

“Experience shows that solving complex issues and ensuring social stability is the most successful way with the help of social dialogue. In the future, we will build mutual labor and socio-economic relations on the principles of social partnership, continue real dialogue with the government and employers, and try to contribute to the optimization of the system of labor relations, the development and improvement of civil social partnership. It is known that AHIK pays special attention to the active participation of women in the socio-economic life of the country, to greater representation in the structures of trade unions, and to strengthening their role. More than 50 percent of trade union members in the republic are women. Examining statistical reports suggests that ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men in localities is an important issue. Therefore, we will further intensify our activities in this area. Also, the process of evaluating the performance of employees is being carried out in the Confederation, the structure is being improved and adjusted to international standards”, said the chairman of the AHIK.

The chairman of the confederation emphasized that the majority of young people are in the ranks of trade unions: “Thus, more than 38 percent of trade union members are young people. Their role in further development and strengthening of trade unions is great. Therefore, we will give special importance to helping young people to solve their socio-economic problems, to their activities in trade union structures, to involve them in organized events, and to create the personnel reserve of the trade union at the expense of young people.

The Academy of Labor and Social Relations under the AHIK has a special responsibility for training and improving the qualifications of young personnel. In order to increase the attractiveness of the Academy among other educational institutions for applicants, and at the same time to improve it as a competitive structure, relevant tasks were given in order to achieve serious, measurable achievements. As part of the international trade union movement, AHIK and its member organizations will expand their relations with the International Labor Organization, as well as with international and regional trade union organizations.

I would like to mention that on September 26-27, we held an international conference on “Climate changes and a just transition: the role and activities of trade unions” in Baku together with the International Labor Organization, the International Confederation of Trade Unions and the Pan-European Regional Council. In this context, in the meetings we held with international colleagues, we held extensive discussions on future cooperation and defined the directions.

In conclusion, let me emphasize once again that at present we are continuing our research in all areas, studying the current situation in places and making decisions on the work to be done: Our main goal is to dynamically develop trade unions of Azerbaijan, increase their influence in society, consistently improve our activities in accordance with new challenges and make important contributions to the happy future of Azerbaijan.