ANAS organized an event on “From political succession to political leadership: the architect of historical victory”.


An event was held on the theme “From political succession to political leadership: the architect of historical victory” organized by the ANAS Free Trade Union .At the event, Academician Isa Habibbayli, President of ANAS,responsible employees of ANAS Presidium office,employees of the management and apparatus of the Free Trade Union of ANAS,representatives of trade unions of scientific institutions and organizations,Tte Council of Young Scientists and Experts of ANAS, Activists of ANAS Women’s Council and YAP territorial party organizations participated.Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who opened the event after the National Anthem, said that Mr. President Ilham Aliyev, who won the presidential elections held on October 15, 2003 and swore to serve his people with dignity, has achieved great historical successes in the past 21 years.Noting that with the high managerial skills of the head of state, all spheres of public life in our country are developing rapidly, the president of Anas emphasized that the leader and state of Azerbaijan have become speakers in the international arena.According to him, our country’s hosting of such a prestigious international event as COP29 in November of this year is the result of the wise and visionary policy of the President of Azerbaijan.Then the speakers – Sanan Hasanov, Chairman of the Free Trade Union of ANAS, Huseyn Huseynov, Director of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, Khanimaga Ismayilova and Hafiza Imanova, scientific workers of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, said that with the return of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to power, Azerbaijan has entered a new development path. , stated that the policy of statehood and development was successfully continued by the worthy successor of the Great Leader, President Ilham Aliyev.Noting that as a result of the wise policy, our lands were freed from occupation and our territorial integrity was restored, the speakers emphasized that the people have full confidence in their Leader.It was reported that, like all the people, our scientists are closely united around Mr. President and will continue to support the head of our state in the future.