A competition has been announced for various nominations in the agricultural field


November 1 – “The best agronomist” (on seed production), “The best agronomist” (on plant protection), “The best veterinarian”, “The best agrochemist”, “The best agrobotar” on the occasion of the Agricultural Workers’ Day, the competition for the nominations “Best fumigation specialist” and “Best trainer” was announced.

The competition, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the member organization of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation (AHIK), the Agrarian Sector Workers Trade Union (ASİHIB) and the Agrarian Services Agency, aims to create incentives for increasing labor efficiency and strengthening the social protection of employees.

Candidates who will participate in the competition must meet high professional training and high labor discipline, and the achieved results must be high.

The winners will be awarded with diplomas and prizes of the Agrarian Sector Workers Trade Union (ASİHIB).