The elections to the Milli Majlis were held in a democratic and organized manner


“Another significant day has passed in our independent country. Our people took advantage of their right to vote and signed the next historic election and voted for their representatives who will properly represent them in the parliament. Indeed, the activity of our people in this process, the election activity comes from their responsibility and deep respect for our statehood. Our citizens showed solidarity and expressed their support for the next stage of development of our mighty state under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev. These elections once again declared that the Azerbaijani society is extremely civilized, educated and perfect. Also, the political culture of our citizens is very high.”

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC), said in his statement to the mass media.

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC), expressed these views to mass media.


According to him, Azerbaijan has a perfect electoral system based on history, at the same time meeting the requirements of the new era: “this opens up wide opportunities for all elections in our country to be completely democratic and transparent. This time, everyone witnessed that the work done from the start of the election campaign to the end of the process was built within the framework of the law and on democratic principles. Equal opportunities were created for each of the candidates for deputy, and citizens expressed their will by freely and voluntarily participating in the election. The preparation and holding of elections, the counting of votes were carried out openly and transparently, as well as the freedom of the press was ensured, and the representatives of the media subjects duly performed their professional activities in this process. In a word, the results of monitoring by international and local observers, as well as the results of exit polls, indicate that the elections to the Milli Majlis took place in a free, peaceful and organized manner, just like the previous elections.

“Indeed, it is a proud sight to see the election process in Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh, which were freed from occupation under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev. It was the first time that the elections to the Milli Majlis covered the entire territory of the country. So, each of us was filled with joy because we had been waiting for this for years. Now the people of Lachin, Shusha, and Agdam make their choices in their homeland with great pride. The long queue of voters in front of the polling station in Khankendi was another strong message to the world: we are the original inhabitants of these lands and you have to recognize us.

We are confident that the newly elected deputies will perform their functions with honor and adequately justify the confidence of voters. At the same time, they will adequately fulfill their duties in the development of our state, ensuring decent living conditions for our citizens, as well as in the preparation and adoption of many important bills that meet the interests and wishes of our people, strengthen our statehood, improve the legislative framework of our country,” the chairman of the ATUC completed his opinion.