September 3, 1991 is the beginning of our Great Leader’s great return to politics and rescue mission


The Azerbaijani people do not forget their personalities who have always served him and left deep traces in his history. The correct assessment of their goals, making firm and intelligent decisions, determining the right choice and their own strong leader is an indicator of the intelligence and perfection of our people. Indeed, we are very happy that we are representatives of the Azerbaijani people with all these positive qualities. The name of the phenomenal person, the National Leader of our people Heydar Aliyev, who established a modern independent state and brought it to the path of irreversible development, is sacred for every Azerbaijani. Our people correctly assessed the identity of his son Heydar Aliyev, highly appreciated his high mission and declared him his national leader. From the very beginning, our Great Leader worked in whatever position, regardless of his small and large size, he gained great authority and respect for that position by his work, and boldly protected his national feelings regardless of political conditions. This great son of our people, while still the head of the Department of the State Security Committee during the years of Soviet power, despite all the difficulties, carried out work in this body and recruited young national cadres. It is no secret to anyone how difficult and dangerous this work was for that time, and it could even cost him his life. But Heydar Aliyev’s boundless love for his homeland and people allowed him to take such bold steps. Since his birth, he had one goal: to live for Azerbaijan. So he lived, devoting every moment of his meaningful and glorious life to his people. Looking at the scale of his work for Azerbaijan, you think for a moment how to fit it into a lifetime?! This was the phenomenon and uniqueness of Heydar Aliyev.”

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (ATUC), said in his statement to the mass media.

“It is known from the history that the situation in our republic was difficult and the social situation of our people was extremely low until the great leader Heydar Aliyev was elected the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan was known among the countries of the Union as a largely underdeveloped agricultural Republic. However, in such a difficult and difficult period, everything changed when a strong personality, professional organizer and courageous leader Heydar Aliyev went to work, The Sun began to shine over Azerbaijan, and each new tomorrow seemed brighter than the previous one. The statistics of the years 1969-1982 show that during this period, the total volume of national income in the republic increased 2.5 times, industrial production, as well as labor productivity 2 times, labor productivity in agriculture 1.8 times, the total volume of manufactured goods 2.7 times , the production of consumer goods increased 3 times, 213 new large industrial enterprises were put into operation. Baku Household Air Conditioners and Baku Deep Insulation factories and other such huge enterprises were built in Azerbaijan thanks to the work, tireless activity and personal influence of the Great Leader. By the way, those huge enterprises are successfully continuing their service to the strengthening of our economy and the improvement of the well-being of our people. At that time, one of the important issues that Heydar Aliyev focused on was the improvement of the housing conditions of the population. In fourteen years, 376.1 thousand newly built apartments were provided to the population of the Republic. There was no sphere that would remain unnoticed by our great leader. In all areas, there was development and progress in every part of our republic, and the social situation of the population was steadily rising. Heydar Aliyev’s leadership in Azerbaijan in 1969-1982 laid the foundation for a new stage in our glorious history, which is generally based on ancient times. He assured the inhabitants of the Republic, which he had rebuilt and developed at that time, with his large-scale work, that we can live completely independently, without depending on anyone. Thus, he increased the hopes for independent Azerbaijan in the hearts of every Azerbaijani,” the chairman of the ATUC said.

According to him, while working in Moscow – in the leadership of the USSR, Heydar Aliyev always thought about Azerbaijan and its people, did not spare attention and care from our republic: “as an Azerbaijani, he gained great respect in the whole union with his propaganda of peace-loving policy, fair approach to processes, humanistic decisions and noble steps, he raised the authority of Until now, Heydar Aliyev was in leadership positions, the Armenians and pro-Armenian forces could not even voice their voices. He defended our motherland with dignity from all unforeseen dangers. Although Heydar Aliyev was removed from the Soviet leadership as a result of a treacherous plan, the attitude of our people towards him did not change, they proved that such great personalities as Heydar Aliyev are at the top of all tasks.”

“1991 September 3 is of particular importance in the fate of our people. Thus, on the same day, our great leader Heydar Aliyev was elected chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Autonomous Republic at the insistence of Deputies and thousands of people gathered in front of the meeting hall in Nakhchivan. This was the return to big politics and the beginning of the Emancipation mission. Thanks to his unparalleled services, hard work and sleepless nights, life in the blockade Nakhchivan began to revive, stability was ensured, and the socio-economic situation improved. Also, all the dirty plans of Armenia against this beautiful land have failed. Under the chairmanship of this policy giant, the Nakhchivan parliament adopted the words “Soviet Socialist” from the name of the Autonomous Republic and raised our flag with tricolor, Crescent and eight-pointed star.  Heyda Aliyev thus showed that we have no other way, but an independent Azerbaijan,” Sahib Mammadov said.

The chairman of the Confederation stressed that the main task facing our people after gaining independence was to save our country from the deep political crisis, build a strong state, stop the military aggression of Armenia and liberate the occupied lands. Despite all the pressure, in 1993, the people put a firm position and brought Heydar Aliyev to the head of their state. And he was sure that this was the most correct decision and the only way out. What kind of thinking our people have, the importance of the decisions made by them, was once again proved by the further development of events and the achievements gained. With great patience, logical sequence and great determination, the Great Leader adequately justified all hopes and became the National Leader of his appreciative people. The development strategy of our state determined by him is today’s mighty Azerbaijan. The head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who adequately continued and developed Heydar Aliyev’s political course and realized his unfinished dreams, raised Azerbaijan to the level of the main leading country in the geography of its location with his professional management, deep political intelligence and thoughtful steps, and made it a great speaker in the world. He fulfilled all his promises to his people in a timely and accurate manner, and glorified the state flag of Azerbaijan, which was first raised by our great leader in Nakhchivan, in our zealous fortress Shusha, Khojaly, Lachin, Khankendi, in general in East Zangazur and Karabakh. We are confident that under the leadership of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our state and people will achieve even greater goals and conquer high peaks.”