International conference on “impact of climate change on agrarian sector” held in Guba


An international, scientific-practical conference was held under the joint organization of the Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Tea Cultivation and the Scientific Development Institute of Vegetables of the Ministry of Agriculture on “The Impact of Climate Change on the Agrarian sector”.

Prominent scientists and specialists from Turkey, Croatia, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, working in relevant fields, participated in the conference.

Chairman of the Trade Union of agrarian sector workers of the member Organization of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan Fuad Mammadov made a speech at the event about the role of Azerbaijan in the fight against climate change. He spoke about the important contribution of COP29 to the development of the agrarian sector and noted that the holding of this significant conference in Baku once again proves the confidence of the international community in our country.

Other speakers at the conference noted the importance of adapting agricultural and environmental activities to advanced international practices, using innovative approaches and tools, and protecting the environment, and also emphasized the importance of the sustainability of agriculture and providing the country with ecologically clean food in terms of increasing prosperity in rural areas.