Azerbaijan-Italy relations based on strategic partnership are at a new stage of development


“As a result of the successful internal and external political strategy, continuous reforms in all areas and bold steps taken, Azerbaijan is now one of the real power centers of not only its geographic location, but also Eurasia as a whole and is at the forefront of regional processes. Also, the important contributions to the energy security of the world, unparalleled logistical opportunities, peace and security brought to the region against the background of the new realities it has formed, and the initiatives that stimulate the development of regional cooperation have allowed our country to gain this status.

Also, Azerbaijan is known in the world as a reliable partner that is fully trusted and values ​​every signature it makes. This also steadily increases the number of states that establish relations with it, want to expand cooperation, and strengthens their international positions. Of course, the head of state Mr. Ilham Aliyev is the direct author of all these achievements of our country. Our President properly represents Azerbaijan in any international issues and protects the interests of our country at a high level.His speeches at the events of international organizations are watched with interest, his global level initiatives and valuable proposals regarding the future of humanity are supported by world leaders, which is an indicator of the prestige of our state and our President personally. The fact that the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement was entrusted to our country by the member states in 2019, as well as the holding of various themed events of international and regional organizations in Azerbaijan, is a confirmation of what we said.”

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan, expressed these views to mass media.

According to him, relations with Italy are of special importance in Azerbaijan’s bilateral relations based on national interests and mutually beneficial cooperation: “Our relations with this country, which has the oldest traditions of statehood and rich culture, have constantly developed in many important areas and turned into a strong friendship and strategic partnership. . In recent history, for many years, the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has been a priority in Azerbaijan’s foreign policy, and our country has worked hard to convey its voice to the world in this direction. Italy was one of the countries that took a fair position and supported the cause of Azerbaijan in those times. Thus, during the first official visit of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to Italy in September 1997, the president and other officials of this country unequivocally declared that they were in favor of resolving the conflict within the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

“The visits of the Italian President Sergio Mattarella to Azerbaijan in 2018 and the visits of the head of our country Mr. Ilham Aliyev to Rome in 2020 and 2022 had a positive impact on the dynamic development of our relations and our relations began to become closer. It goes without saying that when talking about Italy-Azerbaijan relations, cooperation in the field of energy should be emphasized. Because Azerbaijan plays a key role in ensuring energy security of this country. Thus, Italy is our largest trading partner in the export of crude oil and oil products. Also, in 2023, approximately 10 billion cubic meters of gas were exported from Azerbaijan to Italy, which is, of course, a high indicator. At the same time, from the beginning of this year to July, the volume of trade turnover between our countries was 6.2 billion dollars, including the volume of imports was 0.3 billion dollars, and the volume of exports was 5.9 billion dollars. The political stability and favorable investment environment in Azerbaijan attract the attention of Italian business circles.More than 100 commercial institutions with Italian investment are working in the industry, agriculture, transport, construction, trade, service and other fields of our country. By the way, companies from Italy also take part in the construction and restoration of religious and cultural monuments in the territories freed from occupation,” said the chairman of the ATUC (AHIK).

Sahib Mammadov said that the relations between the two countries are continuously developing in humanitarian fields: “I would like to say that the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, who is highly respected in the world for his humanitarian steps and effective social activities, are contributing to the expansion of relations in this field. Mehriban Aliyeva’s work has deep traces. Thus, the catacombs of St. Marcellinio and Pietro were restored with the support of the Foundation, and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva participated in the opening ceremony of the catacombs. Also, Mehriban Aliyeva’s personal initiatives for the protection of valuable works of special importance for the world in the Vatican are unparalleled in the world. This mission is an important contribution not only to the Italian-Azerbaijani relations, but also to the formation and strengthening of the environment of intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the world.”