ATUC member Organization Trade Union of agrarian sector workers is one of the main partners of Raspberry Festival in Goygol


Raspberry Festival is held in Goygol region for the first time in Azerbaijan. Among the partners of the festival, organized by the Goygol District Executive Power, was the member Organization of the Confederation of Trade Unions of agrarian sector workers. The purpose of organizing the festival is to increase the competitiveness of the region in the tourism sector, to support the development of agrotourism, to promote the unique aspects of Goygol region, the agricultural products produced here, and to contribute to the development of the economy through the promotion of raspberry production.

At the opening ceremony of the event, Elvin Pashayev, Head of Goygol District Executive Power, Rajab Oztop, Consul General of Turkey in Ganja, Anar Jafarov, Director of the Agrarian Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Elgun Javadov, Head of the Cultural Heritage and Regional Tourism Department of the State Tourism Agency, and Zafar Gurbanov, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, made speeches. They talked about the agrarian policy of our state, the attention and concern of the head of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev to this field, and noted the contribution of the Raspberry festival to the development of the agricultural and tourism sectors.

Chairman of the trade union of agrarian sector workers Fuad Mammadov emphasized in his speech that this festival, held for the first time, will contribute to the more efficient use of Tourism and agrarian potential of Goygol region.

It should be noted that the tasting and sale of raspberry varieties presented by local producers was organized at the festival organized on an area of 3 hectares in Keshku village of Goygol region. Visitors to the festival got acquainted with the products produced by about 100 farmers and craftsmen and samples of folk applied crafts, and had the opportunity to buy the products they liked at the most affordable price. As part of the event, various entertaining show programs are shown for guests.